28. Not In Life, Not In Death.

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Xang walked closer to Viraaj with a smirk on his lips. He said like a sadistic sick man 'Oh, how much I love seeing you in trouble!' Viraaj wasn't paying any attention to him, his eyes were on Leher. Every tear that slipped her cheeks made his heart heavy.

Xang followed his gaze and said after turning back to him 'Sad.......may be you both were not meant to be together.........She is your weakness..........Let her die..........let them all die........they are too weak to live.'

'I AM NOT A COWARD LIKE YOU.' Viraaj let each word out slowly so they get imprinted in his enemy's mind. 

They both glared at each other with all the hatred they had collected in all their life. Xang hated him because Viraaj's existence has always attacked his ego. They both ascended the position together and at that time the Chinese Mafia was the one that ruled over Asia.

But Viraaj was so different from his predecessors. His hunger for power and his capabilities were much more than Xang. Within 2 years of his reign, he was the most powerful man in Asia and his name alone outshined the whole Chinese Mafia.

He wanted to show him who Huang Xang was!

And Viraaj?...........Viraaj had every reason to hate this man- from troubling him in his underworld life to invading his personal life............each and every reason.

'Okay enough!' Xang said while backing away and loading his gun. He pointed it towards Viraaj and said in a dead serious and rushed manner 'Goodbye mate!'

Viraaj stared at the gun with firmness. Not even a single line on his forehead. He waited. They all waited for something they never wished to happen. 😭

Daksh closed his eyes, while Malini still struggled to get herself free and stand before her son. Vedika and Virang wailed like mad people. Yashvardhan felt miserable and tears of misery were flowing from his eyes. Ahaan who was still lying on the ground with his mouth covered with tape, tried to yell through the tape. Xang's father and wife were begging him to get back to sanity-

'Okay........I know it's not the right time to say this but.........I've been sitting on snow from more than an hour.........and it's cold as hell.'

Pin drop silence.

Everyone, including Xang looked at Leher with a frown and confusion visible in their narrow eyes and she looked back at them like an innocent puppy. 

'Tumhare andar self control ki itni kami hai na!.....Mai kya bataun!.........Thodi der ruk nhi skti thi?' The next voice, which was filled with humour, also shocked everyone. They all looked at Viraaj who was actually chuckling with Leher. And only those two, Vivaan and Ved were also laughing like nothing ever happened

The fake Ahaan translated their talk to Xang and Xang looked at both of them with narrow eyes.

Adharv's men who were holding Viraaj, suddenly left him. The one's who were pointing guns at Leher and others also dropped their guns and opened them completely. They stood up looking at each other.

'What the fuck!! You bastards!!..........Are you all out of your senses?!.........Tie them all up!!' Xang furiously yelled at all the men. He then yelled the same thing in Chinese and his men did move to fulfill his orders but within a second, Adharv's men who were in majority, shot every Chinese man of Xang.

'YOU JERKS!!!.............WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU ALL?!.....THEY ARE THE ENEMIES!!!.......KILL THEM!!.........FULFILL MY ORDERS!!!..........I AM YOUR BOSS DANMIT!!' Xang yelled on top of his voice at Adharv's men who had considered him as their Boss.

'Or may you are not!' Xang froze as  Viraaj's cold voice sounded too close to him. He turned slowly and his body was visibly shivering.

Viraaj was standing just before him. The corners of his lips started twitching and an evil glint sparkled in his eyes. Viraaj's lips formed the most dreading smirk Xang had ever seen.

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