Varien and 7 Minutes Dead - Mirai Sekai(Future City) Part 4: Goodnight_Sequence

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Alex and Mike instantly turned and jumped up onto the ledge that surrounded the reactor area. The guard turned towards Mike, and pointed his plasma rifle at him. "Hey! No unathorized personnel-" "ALEX SMASH!!!" The guard was flattened into a pancake of mush by Alex's hammer. "Get them!" a voice ordered as a second group of guards charged towards them.

"If I had a dollar for every "'insert word here' them", I'd be rich," Mike commented sarcastically.

Varien and Tristam immediately went left. They quickly scythed down the group of guards, and then went around to the rear of the reactor. Finding no one there, they climbed up to help Mike and Alex.

Monstercat and Braken went right. The first guard had a look of utter surprise on his face as said face was clawed apart. The other guards fell quicky, so the two of them doubled back to Muzzy.

Muzzy was trying to find a good place to put the explosives. Under the control panel? Nahh. On the reactor itself? No, too obvious. In the porta-potty next to the reactor? Best idea yet!

"Muzzy, where'd you put the explosives?" Monstercat asked, flicking blood off his razor sharp(You KNEW it would happen) claws. Muzzy grinned, and then doubled up in laughter. "C-check th-the HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" Meanwhile Braken had already opened the door of the porta-potty. "Of all the places you could've chosen, you choose the bathroom. Nice. Real nice Muzzy. I imagine the comment Alex made had something to do with this?"

Muzzy shook his head, still laughing. "I-It w-w-was the best place I could come up with..*snort*" They were soon joined by Tristam, Varien, Mike and Alex, who were quickly told about the joke.

Varien and Braken were not amused. Tristam pretended to think that it wasn't funny. The others thought it was great.

"Right. Let's get out of here!" The seven of them took off down the hallway they had come from, dashing past puzzled guards and workers.

They ran out of the front of the building, and, of course, something had to go wrong. Muzzy slipped, and accidentally pressed the detonator. Tristam, Varien, adn Monstercat barely had enough time to throw up a magic shield before the world(I love the piano intro on that track) exploded around them.

The entire planet of Mirai Sekai exploded, in what human astronomers call the 'Big Bang'. Muzzy refers to it as the single greatest piece of art in history. (For visual purposes, rewatch the scene where the Death Star explodes, replace it with a planet, and you have the basic idea).

The very fabric of space itself rippled, then ripped open. The Monstercat artists were pulled through, and into a brave new world.

A world that represented the very work they created.

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