Varien and SirensCeol - Moonlight(feat. Aloma Steele)

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The moonlight barely filtered through the dark swirling clouds that had turned a sunny afternoon dark in a matter of minutes. The group would travel through the night and hopefully arrive at dawn at the Plains of Fire.

The only things standing in their way were a few isolated outposts. Monstercat hoped they could avoid conflict if necessary, as that would alert the main force, led by the king/hydra to their position. Most soldiers in the realm had enchanted devices that allowed them to communicate with each other across very large distances. The outposts would probably have one or two of these at least.

Monstercat became aware of a person walking beside him who wasn't Mike or Alex.

"It isn't like you to run from a fight like this," Varien's voice said from somewhere above him. "There's something you aren't telling us."

There was, actually, and Monstercat knew it. "Let's just say that you'll know when the time comes. For now. what I can tell you is that our former leader has too many soldiers(there will always be puns, and Nitro Fun is awesome) and other stuff for us to take on."

Varien fell back, slightly miffed at his leader's answer. Did it have to do with the other world? If so, then perhaps it was actually best that Monstercat keep it to himself. Varien decided to wait before trying his luck again.

Rezonate circled the in the skies above the collum, watching for any sort of danger. The route that they were taking was ironically the safest one, despite the fact that it was more dangerous than traveling through Hell itself. Okay, maybe not that dangerous, but still, not a trip for the faint of heart.

Rezonate watched Braken, who was circling below him. He still remembered the truth about the real world, and it had shocked him to the core. It was exciting, weird, and scary all at the same time.

Fij, on the edge of the group, was the first to spot the watchtower. He signaled Rootkit, who crossed over from the other side of the group, and then signaled Monstercat, who stopped the march.

Rootkit crouched beside him, as they both looked up at the tower. "Do you want to do the honors or shall I?" Fij shrugged. It didn't really matter now. "Then go ahead. Your weapon is quieter."

Fij selected an explosive arrow, perfect for the iron-plated wooden tower. He drew back the bow, and aimed for the bottom of the tower. "We're going to need to run after this," he whispered to Rootkit. "Go tell Monstercat." The soldier nodded, and disappeared into the night.

He stared down the shaft, pulled the bow back to full draw, and released. The arrow arced away into the night. Seconds later, the watchtower went up in flames, collapsing into a burning pile of wood and iron.

Fij ran back to the group, keeping in the shadows in case any other soldiers around were looking for him. High above, he could just make out Rezonate's blazing feathers as the pheonix(always puns) circled high above them. Fij looked at the faces of the artists he passed. Many of them looked tired or determined, but the paper bag man knew that they wouldn't be that way forever. He was fairly certain that not all of them were going to make it.

Would they then be corrupted, and turn on their former friends? Would that mean.....? Fij pushed the thoughts out of his head. It hadn't happened yet, and he wanted to make sure that it never did. The thought of having to turn on someone who was formerly your friend, or even worse, someone you loved, was too much for him.

The little band pushed their way towards the plains of fire, guided by the dim moonlight shining through the clouds.

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