Nitro Fun - Safe and Sound(feat. Danyka Nadeau)

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The air(hellberg + teqq + taylor renee) rushed past Laszlo's face as he plummeted downward. He wasn't too concerned, since he had a jetpack, but many of his friends didn't have any means of flying, and Alex's hammer parachute was still somewhere in the middle on an icy wasteland in another dimension. "Ohhhh, we're so dead..." Laszlo muttered to himself.

"The only good news is that we're high up enough so that we have time to come up with some kind of a plan," Laszlo turned around to see Braken falling behind him. "What are the odds that we'll survive an impact?" Laszlo did the math in his head. "At best: severe injury." "Cool. I'll go talk with our magic specialists and see what I can do."

The ground rushed closer and then, all of a sudden, their fall slowed, and stopped. They were outside a building that was all lit up. A bunch of people were on the lawn outside having what was probably a party. Monstercat quickly herded everyone behind a wall. "Alright, those people over there are us. And by the looks of it, they've made some friends."

Alex leaned around the corner. "Yeah, they have. Tristam, you're making out with some chick-" "I'M WHAT?!?!" "Yeah. Let's see...there's a dude up on the roof playing video games in a black hoodie." "What does it say?" Monstercat asked. "How did you know that it-" "I'm a genius." "-Blackstar. Laura, you're walking around with this other kid. Rogue, you're confessing to a chick with wings and red eyes." "Huh?" "Dude, you look like Herobrine, it's probably fine."

Monstercat yanked Alex back. "That's enough. For now, let's keep a low profile. Head down there." He pointed to a sewer entrance." Laszlo lifted the grate off, and the others followed him in, with Alex pulling it shut when all of then were through. They were instantly assaulted by the smell. "Oh jeez, you could've picked a better hiding place than down here!" Laura complained. Monstercat raised an eyebrow. "Varien?" The smell instantly dissipated.

Alex looked around. The sewer was fairly dark, and he couldn't really see anything. The only light sources were the lights on Laszlo's jetpack, Rezonate, who was still on fire, and Protostar, who was also on fire. Beyond that, there wasn't much in the way of light sources. Magic solved that pretty quickly though, and soon the entire sewer was lit up as the electric lights in the ceiling were forced on. There was a canal of sewage in the middle of the tunnel, and walkways on either side.

Tristam was still a little unnerved by the whole 'other me' thing. According to Alex, the other him had a girlfriend of some kind. Alex was known to play jokes, but Tristam doubted he'd lie about something in front of Monstercat. Doubted. Alex had done it once before, and admittedly, it was pretty hilarious. The group began to walk along the edge of the poop river. Tristam was thankful for the fresh self-replentishing magical bubbles of air that surrounded them. He wasn't sure how long some members of the group could stand the smell.

He also wasn't sure where Monstercat was leading them. The guy could be very cryptic at times. Wherever it was, Tristam hoped it was somewhere safe and sound(nitro!) where they could recuperate from the non-stop 3 month chase that had been tiring them out for almost 700 miles. Yeah. Not fun, but necessary. Well, unless you wanted to become a mindless slave to a kind possessed by the spirit of an undead hydra out for revenge against the people who killed it.

Tristam also doubted that the hydra would spare them even if they willing turner to its' side. There was too much between them, mainly the whole 'killing the black hydra' thing. At least here they'd be safe.

Safe and sound.

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