Twenty minutes later, everyone gathered in the main building, where Rezonate elaborated on what he had heard.
"The hydra's spirit possessed King Raktshock, and turned him evi. It also corrupted the land around with evil. The king is already raising an army of infected soldiers in order to crush the places that aren't corrupted. One of his first targets will be here."
There was an instant uproar. Everyone seemed to be trying to say their piece at the same time. Monstercat looked around quickly, trying to find someone whom everyone would listen to. He made eye-contact with Braken, and nodded.
Fortunately, she understood. "QUIET!!!" The room fell silent almost as quickly as it had gotten noisy. Braken gestured to Monstercat. "Continue."
"I hate to say this, but we've got to get out of here. From what I've heard, there's a portal back to the regular world in a temple far away(Pun totally intended) from here. I don't want to be responsible for the destruction of two worlds. We've got about 5 hours to pack. Let's move."
Braken sighed as she packed away her few belongings. This place had become their home, and now they were just abandoning it? It did make sense. though. According to Rezonate' reconnaissance, there was no way that they could stop the army.
She watched as Varien and Fractal started casting a spell to cover the entire area in mist to try and hide their movements to any flying foes. It would also help stall a ground attack until the Monstercat artists, along with their friends and family, could evacuate.
Rogue watched the stream of people push out of the town from on top of Nightmare, his horse. He felt his fingers stray to the sword on his back. Nightmare whinnied nervously. Even he knew that the journey ahead would not be an easy one. They had been warned of this new threat a little later than Rogue would've wanted, but for now, they would have to make do with the limited time they had.
Rootkit(Picture a US marine, and you have the basic idea of what Rootkit looks like) moved on the edge of the group, scanning the dusk skies that the ground for any enemy forces. He kept his finger on the trigger of his rifle, half expecting to see some sort of attack force emerge from the lengthening shadows at any moment.
Fij was performing a similar task to Rootkit, except he was on the other side, and was wielding a bow. The bow had become Fij's weapon of choice a few years back, and he had quickly become the Monstercat equivalent of Hawkeye. The paper bag on his head was magic: it reflected his facial expression under the bag as best it could. This had led to a few.....incidents, when the bag didn't exactly get it right.
Varien finished the mist spell, and walked back to the collum with Fractal, who ran on ahead of him. It wasn't like Monstercat to step out of a fight like this. They had beaten the Black Hydra once before, so why not again? Varien was fairly certain that their feline commander was hiding something, and he intended to find out what it was.
PIXL was generally the hacker of the group, and back on Mirai Sekai his skills had proved invaluable. Now, with little technology that was hackable, and with his friends lives' at risk, PIXL decided that he needed to pick up another skill or two. The mist that surrounded them was gradually grew thicker, until he could barely see Aero Chord who was directly in front of him. He did, however, run straight into Aero Chord's wing, which materialized out of nowhere. After regaining his footing, PIXL trudged onward.
Tristam was on the outside edge of the collum. It was his and a few other's task to bet back enemy attacks on the collum. He watched as Rogue and Nightmare thundered past him, circling the group. Rezonate was up above him along with his friend Braken.
He was privately concerned about his friends. Since they were returning to the regular world, Braken would probably change back into a dude. The first sex change had already been pretty hard for him, and a second one would probably be just as bad.
Monstercat walked at the head of his people with Alex and Mike. He knew the real strength of their opponents forces, and knew that he and his friends would die in vain if they stayed, or else be turned evil by the Black Hydra's magic. For now, they would flee. For now.
Monstercat vowed that someday, he would return. And then, the Black Hydra would suffer.

Monstercat: The Origins [ABANDONED]
FanficThis the story of the origins of Monstercat, of our Universe, and their battle to save their own world from evil. This started out as a playlist of I had. ...