Rezonate - Revolt(feat. Amelia Rose)

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(Cookies for you if you've actually heard of this song)

The journey down from the cave to the plains below was not an easy one, especially while carrying a teenager. Protostar's species were naturally stronger, but that didn't make a 120 pound or so teenager any lighter. He didn't exactly know who he was carrying, as he had never been good with faces or names. Protostar jumped from rock to rock, while silently cursing Monsterdcat for not allowing him to just fly, which would have been much quicker, but nooooo, they might accidentally drop the kids or some other crap. Proto was fairly certain that Monsterdcat was just trying to torture them for as long as possible at this point.

Fortunately, they reached the bottom and Tristam took a moment to examine the teenagers consciousnesses. "What'd you find?" Monstercat asked him. "You know the Guardians?" "Yep." "Well, our friends here aren't exactly from around here, so bringing them in here has attracted the Guardians attention. I can't tell exactly what their doing, but whatever it is, its harmless." "Define 'harmless'." "Mostly its' just probing, but they never really had the impact to form a counterpart, until now..." "But if they're here, then that means..." "Yeah, they'll effectively be their own counterparts. And that's the trouble: they can't control their powers yet. But if we leave them unaware, their alternate forms won't activate until they're told."

Monstercat thought over the information. For right now, he really didn't need a few kids running around. Having them here was already bad enough. Best not to make the problem worse. "Alright. But for now. we need to keep moving. The Hydra needs to be unaware of our location for as long as possible, or at least until we start taking out his underlings..." Monstercat looked around the horizon. The landscape there was darker, and far more sinister looking. "Let's MOVE!!" And with that, they took their first step onto the tainted ground.

The grass felt cold and a bit sticky under Monstercats' paws, as if the corruption was a goo that had covered the surface(it's getting too easy at this point) of their world. Muzzy casually tossed a grenade from hand to hand, whistling quietly to himself. "Damn, this place has really gone since we left..." he said to no-one on particular. To him, the whole corruption thing felt a little cliche: everything's dark, their are dark smokey clouds, their are big black castles everywhere, etc, etc. To be honest, he felt that if their lives were a story, than the author would have to have no imagination, or, at least, very little imagination.

As for Monstercat, he had taken the sight of castles in the distance as a challenge. "Oh I hope you're ready Mr. Hydra," he muttered quietly to himself. "Cuz' it's a revolution..."(Diplo and Kai anyone?)

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