Prison Break

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Isobel sighed as she sat in the corner listening to James and Governor Swann talk about ways to get the girls back. She picked at her fingers and shook her head. They were getting nowhere.

Will suddenly stormed through yhe broken walkway and came to stand next to James. James looked at him in disgust.

"Mr. Murtogg remove this man." James spoke sounding bored. Murtogg tried to pull Will away but he fought back.

"No, I'm not leaving until you tell me how we're going to save Abigail and Elizabeth!" Will exclaimed angrily making James scowl at him.

"That is none of your business Mister Turner. Goodbye now." Will brought his axe down on the map with fire in his eyes.

"Im not just going to sit around and wait while you make plans and sit around doing nothing to save the girls!" Will yelled angrily James glared at him

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"Im not just going to sit around and wait while you make plans and sit around doing nothing to save the girls!" Will yelled angrily James glared at him.

"Get out and don't come back unless you want to join the pirate in his cell." James spoke calmly. Isobel could tell he was trying not to explode.

"Fine, I'll do it myself." Will stated and marched away. Isobel quickly stood up to follow him. James grabbed her arm.

"Where are you going?" He questioned she pulled her arm out of his grip.

"None of your ruddy business Commodore." She replied bitterly and ran after Will.

"Will wait!" Isobel called as she ran to an angry looking Will. He stopped walking and turned to face her.

"What do you want Miss Norrington?" He responded sounding annoyed by her interruption.

"I want to help you. Just tell me your plan." She crossed her arms over her chest.

"No offense Miss but I need the help of someone not afraid to get their hands dirty and hair messed up." Will replied and turned to walk off.

"Wait! Will please! Abigail is my best friend I love her as a sister!" Isobel pleaded. He sighed and looked at the ground.

"You cannot come with me because this plan will not work if you're involved." He spoke and squeezed her shoulder gently. "I'll bring them back I promise." He walked away and she scoffed.

"I know you're going to that pirate for help!" She yelled but he kept walking until he was out of sight. She groaned. "Men."

She walked and sat on the docks for about an hour with her feet in the water her shoes resting beside her. A tear slipped down her cheek hitting the water making it ripple. She heard footsteps running toward her and she looked up to see soldiers running toward the Intercepter, the fastest ship in the Caribbean. James walked by quickly so she stood up.

"Whats happening James?" She asked and he kept walking so she followed. "James Whats going on!" He turned to her and grabbed her shoulders.

"Turner and Sparrow have taken the Dauntless. We're going after them. Now please, go home and read your books or work on your paintings." He spoke and walked off quickly.

"Of course. I'll go read or paint whilst my friend is out there possibly dead." She grumbled to herself as she walked back towards her shoes. She picked them up when an idea struck her. She smiled slightly and ran towards the ship making sure no one saw her, she climbed aboard and went to hide.

The ship was off a few minutes later. The crew was bustling around preparing the canons and Isobel watched them all from her hiding spot. She hid behind a stack of barrels. She carefully peaked around to look forward when she saw the Dauntless in the distance. The Interceper was catching up to them which made her smile.

A few moments later they were side by side. She watched as James and hus men started boarding. She took the opportunity to run down the stairs towards the bunks. She saw a red coat and belt with a gun lying beside it. She quickly grabbed it. She heard yelling then she felt the ship move again.

Isobel carefully held the gun and made her way up the stairs. She expected to see James and his crew but was shocked to see Will and Sparrow waving to the Dauntless as they sailed away.

"See young Turner. I told you I'd get us a ship." Sparrow chuckled. He turned around to have a pistol right in his forehead. Isobel stared at him.

"Not so fun to have a gun to your head now is it?" She asked and he rolled his eyes. Will came to stand beside isobel.

"Put it down. He's taking me to the Swann girls." Will tried to reason.

"He's just going to betray you." She stated. Sparrow took the opportunity to slap the gun out of her hand and pull his own out.

"Listen lass. If you're here you listen to me? Understand or do I need to waste my bullet on you?" He asked and she glared.

"Fine." She hissed. He nodded triumphantly and walked over to the wheel. Will grabbed her arm.

"Why are you here? I told you not to come." He questioned with a strong voice.

"I wasn't going to but then I realized I needed to. I can't just sit and do nothing while my friends..... my family are suffering." She spoke softly and will released her arm. He nodded.

"Im glad to have you here, although you were holding the pistol wrong and it wasn't loaded." Her jaw dropped in shock. He chuckled. "We'll work on it." He smiled and walked away. She laughed snd shook her head.

A few hours past and she spent it staring at the water that passed them by. Sparrow messed with some rope while Will sharpened his sword. Will glanced at him and rhen looked away.

"You knew my father. You wouldn't help until I mentioned my name." Will stood up and pointed his sword at Sparrow who looked more irritated than threatened.

"Aye, I knew him. He was a pirate before he kicked the bucket." Isobel stared in shock. Will shook his jead.

"My father was a good man. Nothing like you." He inched closer with his sword. Sparrow nodded and turned the wheel sending the sail right into Will dangling him over the edge of the boat. Isobel rushed over in shock.

"Bring him back now!" She yelled and he held up a finger saying one minute.

"As soon as he admits he was wrong and just accepts the truth lass." He looked at Will who glared.

"Ill never believe you my father was a good man!" Will yelled angrily.

"Couldn't he be both? Just look at me." Sparrow smirked and Isobel scoffed.

"As if." She hissed. Sparrow rolled his eyes and turned the wheel bringing Will back.

"He was a good man and a pirate. Those two often go together. Now, get back to work or ill thriw you overboard we will be there in a few hours." He spoke as he kicked Wills sword away from him.

"Where are we going?" Will asked as Isobel helped him to his feet.

"A wonderful place Will. You'll love it. Even the blond brat will." Sparrow stated making Isobel glare are him.

"Tortuga it is then." Will spoke unsure.

"Aye. Tortuga." Sparrow chuckled.

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