The Sacrifice

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Tempest dodged flying tentacles quickly as she rushed towards the net. Abigail followed her. The crew started to pull on the ropes raising the net woth Will hanging off of it directing them.

"You're a better shot then I am. You take the gun I've got her." Abigail handed Tempest the gun. "Where is Jack?" Abigail asked. Elizabeth took cover behind the broken mast.

"The Coward abandoned us." Tempest hissed. "Ill be back once I blow up the net." She rushed away. Abigail stood up slowly she reached for an axe that was laying on the deck when she felt something tug on her foot. Her stomach smacked into the deck and she started to get dragged across the deck. She slammed the axe into the deck and held on tightly. Her leg was in pain from being pulled so hard.

"Will!!!" She cried out in pain. Her fingers slipped towards the ebd of the axe handle. She closed her eyes waiting for the end but the pulling suddenly stopped. She looked back to see the tentacle shaking uncontrollably. She turned to face where Isobel was once laying unconscious to see her standing with glowing eyes and an angry look on her face. Abigail took the opportunity to pull up her axe abd slam it down on the tentacle. As soon as the axe hit the ground Isobel gasped abd fell over.

"What just happened?" She muttered as she shook her head. Abigail helped her stand.

"You need to find somewhere to hide, yoire too weak right now." Abigail helped her walk to a corner in the Captains cabin. "Just stay here." Isobel nodded and rested her head weakly against the wall. Abigail rushed away.

Tempest aimed at the net that was surrounded by tentacles her hands shook violently and she couldn't steady her breathing. She took a deep breath and calmed down until a tentacle smacked into her side sending her crashing into the mast. Her eyes were blurring and she felt dizzy.

"Calm down Tempe, I got this." She looked up to see Jack standing.

"You came back...." she mumbled and passed him the gun from the ground.

"Aye, just this once." He aimed the gun and waited till Will dove out of the way before pulling the trigger. The gunpowder exploded taking a large amount of tentacles with it. Burnt flesh rained down onto the deck.

Hack carefully helped his sister stand up. She held her side tightly as she felt the pain in her ribs. Will came towards them.

"It'll be back." He stated. Gibbs came put of the cabin with an arm wrapped around Isobels weak frame.

"We need to abandon ship. That's what it wants. Jones wants this ship at the bottom of the sea." Jack stated. Gibbs helped Isobel lean against the mast.

"Well get the survivors in the boat." Gibbs stated and walked away to start moving the remaining few crew members towards the small boats. Will rushed off to find Abigail. Tempest carefully lowered herself into the boat with the help of Pintell and Ragetti.

"It's a beautiful ship. It'll be missed." Isobel stood up straight still holding onto the mast. Jack turned to her abd nodded.

"Aye, I'll find another one. It won't compare to the Pearl but it'll be a ship." He ran his hand along the mast until it met hers. She looked into his eyes.

"I see why Jones was so obsessed with your mother. Who wouldn't be with those eyes." He smiled Slightly. Gold tooth reflecting the light.

"Isobel! Jack! Hurry!" Will called from the boat in the water.

"We should get on the boat, wouldn't want to hurt that pretty face, aye?" He chuckled she nodded abd took a step away from the mast only to lose balance. He caught her easily and held her close so she wouldn't fall again. They met eyes and she took the chance to kiss him. He kissed back in surprise before hearing a clinking noise. She pulled away from him and the mast slowly.

"It's after you not the ship." She mumbled sadly. "Im sorry Jack, it was either you or them and I know you'd choose you so I had to choose them." He stared at her with a small smirk.

"At least I had an enjoyable last few moments, Aye love?" She shook her head and carefully walked away from him using the rail as support. She carefully climbed into the small boat with help from Will.

"Where's Jack?" Gibbs asked. She wiped her eyes.

"He decided to stay behind to give us our nest chance." She muttered.

"A true hero to the bitter end." Gibbs mumbled in admiration. Tempest stared at Isobel with a knowing look.

As they rowed away the ship went down and Isobel closed her eyes feeling Jack's life disapate.

.......................... Tia Dalma's...................

Will sat with a cup of hot tea in his hands. Isobel sat in a corner refusing to drink anything. Tia Dalma took a seat behind her cluttered desk and watched them all.

"He was a good man." Gibbs spoke praise of Jack's life but Tempest refused to believe most of it knowing her brothers alterier motives for everything Gibbs was praising for.

"He didn't have to die, he chose to die for us. He was a hero whether we liked him or not. I for one, did not." Abigail raised ger tea cup to her lips.

"What if there was a way to save him?" Everyone looked at Tia Dalma in shock.

"What does that mean?" Will asked.

"Is there a way?" Isobel piped up. She stood slowly and watched Tia Dalma closely.

"There is, it is dangerous and you may not get back alive." She stated.

"He died for us I'd be honored to die for him." Gibbs stood up as well.

"How do we save him?" Elizabeth asked.

"It's obvious isn't it? He's not really dead, he's just gone." Tempest rolled her eyes.

"Yes, Miss Teague is correct." Everyone stared at Tia Dalma in confusion.

"Hows that possible?" Will asked.

"He is in The Locker, a place between life and death because he owes Davy Jones his soul and 100 years of service. Jack wouldn't serve so he gets 100 years in the Locker." She whispered.

"How do we get there?" Abigail asked.

"You must brave the harsh and wild seas at worlds end to find him. Then you can bring him back." She glanced at everyone. "But for this, you will need a Captain who knows the water between life and death."

"Thats not at all cryptic." Tempest retorted irritated. Footsteps sounded from above them and they all turned to look at the stairs. Black boots slowly thudded down the wooden steps and a face no one expected to see again stood before them.

"So, what's become of ny ship?" Barbosa asked with a maniacal chuckle.

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