The Cave

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Jack walked along the dock staring at the crew that Gibbs had procured. He nodded his head as he looked them all over. He then turned to Will and Isobel who stood looking unimpressed.

"What do you think? Finest gentlemen in Tortuga if I do say so myself." He smiled proudly.

"Why does that not surprise me." Isobel mumbled. Before Will could say anything another voice spoke up from behind them.

"I think the crew looks like it'll be entertaining to watch!" Tempest shouted as she made her way over. Jack nodded.

"Thank you dear Tempe. I knew you'd come through for your good old friend Jack." He chuckled and she rolled her eyes.

"This isn't for you Jack Sparrow, this is for me, also, we are NOT friends or anything more than acquaintances

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"This isn't for you Jack Sparrow, this is for me, also, we are NOT friends or anything more than acquaintances." She hissed. Isobel watched with a questioning gaze.

"I think the crew is fine." Gibbs added to cut the tension. Tempe and Jack wouldn't stop staring into each other's eyes both afraid that by looking elsewhere they'd be allowing the other to run them through.

"Jack, let's move, they could've killed Abigail and Elizabeth by now." Will stated and pulled Jack away from Tempe.

"Who are Abigail and Elizabeth?" Tempe asked and isobel looked at her.

"My friends, Barbosa took them." Tempe looked at her in shock. "Im assuming the slimy weasel didn't tell you?"

"No, he did not." Tempe glared over at Jack who was talking to Gibbs and Will.

"Well, I expected as much. What are you to him anyways?" Isobel asked as they started loading supplies onto the ship. Tempe looked at her.

"None of your business that's what." She defensively stated. Isobel nodded slowly and opened her mouth to speak but instead she turned around and walked away. Tempe sighed and shook her head.


The rain poured onto the ship deck. Tempe held onto a rope trying to keep the sails steady with Will. Jack looked at his compass while he steered the ship straight through the storm.

"He's insane! How do you know him!?" Will exclaimed as he slipped and fell. She helped him stand back up.

"As I told your friend earlier, it's none of your business or concern!" Tempe yelled as a large wave crashed into the side of the ship drenching everyone more. Isobel held onto the chain around the mast and tried to keep the lantern lit so the crew could see but to no avail.

"Just give it up lass! It's useless in this weather!" Gibbs yelled and sge nodded.

"Why would he sail us through a ruddy storm!" Isobel huffed as she slipped abd caught herself with a barrel. Gibbs shrugged.

"I choose not to question his methods!" He yelled and rushed away to help Will and Tempe.

"Maybe now is a good time to start!" She mumbled to herself.

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