Pirates, disgusting drunks who sail the seas stealing from the wealthy islanders. people are taught to hate them but what if some went away from that teaching and fell for them instead?
I do not own Pirates of the Caribbean characters or plot just...
Isobel stood in horror as she stared at the streets of Tortuga. Will stood beside her trying to grasp what he was seeing. There were women all over drunken pirates and rum was everywhere. Sparrow stood beside them smiling widely.
"Isn't it wonderful!" He laughed. A red haired woman made her way over widening his smile. "Scarlett!" He laughed but she slapped him across the face and walked off.
"Perhaps I judged it too harshly." Isobel smiled tauntingly at Sparrow who grumbled. Another woman made her way over and he smiled again.
"Giselle! Lovely to see....." she slapped him again abd Isobel let out a slight laugh.
"Lets just get into a bar. I'd watch yourself lass. Wouldn't want ye to get lost now would we." He grumbled as they followed him into the bar. Isobel scoffed at him.
"This place is filthy." She muttered as they walked. They continued out the backdoor where will saw a man sleeping with pigs.
"Ah, just who I was looking for." Sparrow chuckled and grabbed a bucket from the ground dumping it on the man who jumped up in shock.
"Curse you for breathing you slack jawed idiot!" The man pulled out a knife but smiled when he saw Sparrow. "Jack?" He asked. Jack nodded.
"Aye, let get a drink shall we? Where is that bar she works in?" Gibbs smile dropped.
"She won't be happy to see you." Gibbs stated. Before Jack could respond Isobel spoke up.
"I believe it's the same with most women. If she can help us in anyway we should still try it." Gibbs tilted his head.
"Isobel?" He asked and she raised an eyebrow.
"Wait a minute, you're the Gibbs who worked for James aren't you?" She smiled and he nodded.
"Look at you all grown up!" He laughed she smiled. Jack stepped between them.
"Gibbs, the bar. Now." Gibbs nodded quickly.
"Right! I think it's this way." He started walking away. Jack motioned for Will and Isobel to follow so they did. They reached a small bar that didn't have many people in it. It was actually quite clean and tidy.
"You all go sit I'll get us drinks." Jack added and walked away. Gibbs took a seat. Isobel walked towards a wall that was painted with pictures of all the sea legends and myths. She looked at it and smiled.
Jack walked towards the bar counter and stood awkwardly leaning against it. A woman walked out with dark hair and olive skin. She stopped in her tracks when she saw him.
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"What do you want Jack?" She asked. He shrugged.
"It's a bar isn't it? What do you think?" He replied sarcastically. She rolled her eyes.
"Rum I'm assuming?" She poured him a glass and passed it over. She looked around and saw Gibbs and 2 people she didn't recognize. "Who are they?"
"Just some scabby folks I found." He muttered as he sipped hus rum.