Pirates, disgusting drunks who sail the seas stealing from the wealthy islanders. people are taught to hate them but what if some went away from that teaching and fell for them instead?
I do not own Pirates of the Caribbean characters or plot just...
Tempest sat boredly in a hanging cage over a ravine. The cage was made of bone and vines. Gibbs and Will stood whispering to each other. She tried not to look down to keep herself from getting anxious.
"They think Jack is a god. They plan to free him from his mortal state." Gibbs grumbled out. Will tilted his head.
"How will they do that?" Gibbs sighed.
"They'll cook him then eat him." He stated. Tempest tried to fight the urge to vomit.
"Thats repulsive." She mumbled. Will nodded in agreement.
"They'll eat us next. The bones are human. More victims." Gibbs added. Tempest tried to block him out.
"Thank you for that image Gibbs." She grumbled sarcastically.
"There has to be a way out of these." Will looked around. "If we get it swinging we can grab onto vines and pull ourselves up." Tempest looked over at the cliffs and nodded when she saw vines dangling.
"It could work." The crew started moving back and forth in the bone ball to get it moving. After a few minutes the ball started to swing back and forth. The more they moved the higher it swung. Each time they got closer and closer to the wall. Will was the first to grab onto vines. Gibbs and Tempest quickly after. The rest of the crew joined them as they started to pull themselves up.
"Be quiet." Will whispered suddenly. Tempest glanced up and saw a young boy walking across the wooden bridge. They slowly continued to move. Gibbs foot stepped on some loose rock and the rocks fell making a crashing noise. The boy looked at them and ran off screaming.
"Hurry!" Gibbs yelled. The pirates started to climb faster. Once they reached the top will used a stone to cut the vines. Screams could be heard from behind them. An army of men came charging at them. They picked up the cage a d started to run away. Arrows stuck into the bone as did darts. As they ran they went over a hill and the cage started to roll. Everyone jekd on and screamed in fear. Tempest closed her eyes tightly.
"Cliff!!!!!" Gibbs screamed. Tempest opened her eyes and sure enough they were rolling right towards a cliff. They tried to put their feet down to stop the cage but it was no use. The cage went over the edge and slammed into a wall breaking it into pieces. The crew all fell down into a river. Arrows were fired at them but they went underwater to dodge them.
"Jack is on his own." Tempest breathed out as Will helped her climb out of the water once they were a safe distance from the tribe. Will shook his head.
"I need that compass." Will stated.
"You also need your life boy." Gibbs grabbed his sleeve and started to pull him. They all ran through the Jungle towards the ship. Once they arrived tempest saw 2 pirates who used to work for Barbosa.
"Um....." she looked at Gibbs he looked just as confused.
"All hands on deck!" He yelled out. The waves from high tide crashed against the ship. Some of the pirates started to swim to get aboard.
"Tempest!" Will grabbed her arm. "I cant leave without Jack." She groaned. Before she could say anything she heard yelling. She looked behind Will and her jaw dropped. Will looked as well. Jack was running towards them with the entire tribe chasing him.
"Only Jack could get himself out of that." She mumbled. "Cmon Will hurry up!" She grabbed his arm. They dove into the water and swam towards the ship. By the time they climbed aboard Jack had just reached the water and started swimming. When he climbed up Gibbs wrapped a coat around his shoulder. His tribal paint was all over his face and a mess.
"Welcome back Captain." Gibbs smiled. Tempest shivered as a crew member handed her a blanket.
"Jack, you remember what I said at the camp?" Will asked. Jack rolled his eyes and nodded.
"Aye that I do Turner. The only problem is I don't care." He simply replied and started to walk away.
"Jack! Dont walk away from me!" Will grabbed a sword and pointed it at him. Jack groaned in irritation.
"Mister Turner, I have more to worry about than your petty problems with your bonnie lass. Savvy?"
"You're just going to stand here and tell me you don't care when Abigail Elizabeth and Isobel are going to die for helping you?" Will scoffed. Jack nodded.
"Sounds about right. How I've survived this long is keeping my nose out of other people's affairs. Honestly, they must be punished for their mistakes." Will glared. "Gibbs set a course for the river!"
"What will it take to get the compass?" Will asked. Tempest stood up slowly.
"Nothing. Its mine you can't have it." He stated.
"So, you're just going to let Isobel die? I thought you liked her?" Tempest glared. Jack shook his head.
"I find her less obnoxious and snobbish than most people. There's a difference." She rolled her eyes.
"Jack you're pathetic."
"If one more insult is thrown at me someone is walking the bloody plank. Understand?" He puked a piece pf paper out of hus pocket and Tempest snatched it away.
"Whats this?" She asked as she looked at it. It was a picture of a key.
"It's a key obviously." Jack tried to grab it back but she wouldn't let him.
"If I get you this key will you give me the compass?" Will asked. Jack grunted.
"First we need to figure out where the ruddy thing is. That's why we're going down the river." Jack took the picture back. "Then, I'll consider it." He walked away and Tempest glared after him.
"I hate him." Will stated randomly. All Tempest did was nod in agreement.
Isobel scrubbed the deck of the ship she was on. Her knees and back ached but she kept quiet. Abigail tied knots for the sails boredly. The men on the ship looked over Abigails wedding dress in confusion.
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"It could be a dark spirit?' One asked. Abigail held in her laughter.
"Or a ghost." One spoke up.
"Thats the same thing you idiot."
Abigail and Isobel looked at each ither and shook their heads.
"What if the spirit is angry and wants something?"
"What if it's going to kill us?" Isobel walked over to Abigail.
"I think tonight we need to become the spirit. We need a little magic to get us to Tortuga." Isobel winked. Abigail nodded.
"This should be fun." They smiled mischievously at each other.