Pirates, disgusting drunks who sail the seas stealing from the wealthy islanders. people are taught to hate them but what if some went away from that teaching and fell for them instead?
I do not own Pirates of the Caribbean characters or plot just...
Abigail stood beside her twin sister Elizabeth. Her hands fiddled with the skirt of her dress. She sighed as she looked at the water. Her eyes glanced over to where their father stood talking to luitenant James Norrington, they seemed to be in a deep conversation.
Isobel skipped over and stood next to the sisters. Isobel was the younger sister of James who was about the same age as the Swann twins, perhaps a month younger if not less. Abigail smiled at her as she stood with them.
"This is quite the boring trip is it not? I don't understand why we had to leave London. What's so special about Port Royal anyway?" Isobel asked with a huff. Abigail smiled at her slightly.
"Our father is being made Governor of Port Royal so that's why we have to go. I believe you must go with us because your brother is being stationed to protect the island." Elizabeth stated softly and Abigail nodded in agreement.
"I still think it's boring." Isobel grumbled and folded her arms across her chest. Elizabeth started humming softly and Abigail listened with a small smile.
"Isn't that a pirate song?" Isobel asked in disgust. Before Elizabeth could answer another voice spoke from behind them making them all gasp.
"Aye that is a pirates song. Ye shouldn't be singing it least of all on a ship young Missy." The man hissed and looked them all over. Isobel hid behind Abigail who looked just ad fearful as fish in a net.
"Mr. Gibbs, that will do." James spoke as he walked over. "No need to put any ideas in these young ladies heads." Gibbs rolled his eyes.
"Suppose not sir, I'll just be going back to work now." Gibbs grumbled and walked away quickly. Abigail noticed him pulling something out of his pocket and taking a sip of it but she chose to keep quiet.
"I enjoy all the stories about pirates." Elizabeth stated matter-of-factly. James chuckled softly. Isobel spoke up.
"I don't! They're absolutely terrifying!" Isobel gulped and looked back at the water.
"It's nothing for you young ladies to worry about that's all." James smiled at them all. "No more pirate songs, it scares the men." He added before walking away.
"Pirates are no good drunks who steal from good people. It's repulsive." Isobel spoke haughtiness lacing her voice.
"I think all people should be given a chance to change. It's only fair." Abigail mumbled. Isobel shrugged when she suddenly felt dizzy. She gripped onto the side of the ship. Elizabeth came to her side.
"Isobel are you alright? Do you need James?" Elizabeth panicked. Abigail gulped. Isobel shook her head quickly.
"There's something wrong. I just don't know what." Isobel mumbled and put a hand to ger forehead. Abigail looked towards the water and raised an eyebrow when she saw driftwood and supplies float by the ship.
"Elizabeth......" Abigail grabbed her sisters arm. Elizabeth looked into the water in confusion. Isobel walked closer to the front of the ship holding onto the rail.
"This cannot be good or normal." Elizabeth muttered. Abigail nodded when they suddenly heard a scream.
"There's a boy in the water!!" Isobel screamed from the front of the ship. The Swann girls looked at each other and rushed to the front of the ship. Isobel stood and watched Gibbs hoist a young boy onto the ship.
"Is he alive?" Abigail asked. James looked at the twins then to Isobel.
"Isobel go to our cabin and rest up for a bit." Isobel wanted to protest but knew better and sulking she walked off. "Will you girks sit with him while I go speak with the captain?" James spoke softly. They both nodded and walked over to the boy as James left.
"Where did he come from?" Abigail asked. Elizabeth shrugged and pulled a chain from around the boys neck.
"He's a pirate...." Elizabeth whispered Abigail looked out onto the water and her eyes widened.
"That would make sense considering what I'm looking at." Elizabeth turned around and gasped when she saw a ship burning and another ship with ripped black sails floating away.
"I have to take this." Elizabeth stated and took the chain from around the bots neck.
"Elizabeth you can't. It's his!" Abigail tried to stop her sister. Elizabeth showed her the medallion.
"This us proof he's a pirate. If James sees this he'll kill him." Elizabeth hissed. "Now you stay with him I'm going to hide it." She rushed away. Abigail sighed and sat next to the boy.
"I hope that wasn't important to you." She mumbled and carefully moved hair out of his face. She let out a fearful squeek when the boy grabbed her arm.
"Who are you!? Where am i!?" The boy tried to sit up but Abigail wouldn't let him.
"My name is Abigail Swann, don't worry, youre safe." She spoke soothingly. He nodded slowly and closed his eyes again.
"Will Turner." The boy mumbled before he passed out again. Abigail sighed.
"Dont worry Will, I'll take care of you." She smiled slightly and squeezed the boys hand.
.............. 8 years later ..............
Abigail woke with a start and sat up quickly. She looked around and groaned as the morning light peered through her curtains.
"Not morning already." She grumbled and rolled over burying her face into her pillow. A knock sounded at the door and Elizabeth waltzed in gracefully looking beautiful as ever.
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"I see you're in a good mood this morning." Elizabeth sat beside her sister. "You should get ready. We have the ceremony soon."
"Sorry if I'm not in a rush to watch you get engaged." Abigail joked and smiled before standing up. Elizabeth rolled her eyes.
"Im not getting engaged James has just been kinder than usual lately." Elizabeth fiddled with her fingers.
"Oh yes, that's most certainly it. Being kind just for the sake of it." Abigail slipped her dress on and Elizabeth helped her tighten her corset then she tied the back of the dress.
"Im scared Abigail." Elizabeth sighed. "How am I supposed to know if this is the right thing to do."
"Just follow your heart. It'll lead you much further than your brain."
"How so?" Elizabeth questioned.
"Your brain wants you to do the logical thing that seems right but your heart will tell you the truly roght thing. The heart knows better than the brain." Abigail smiled and finished up with her hair. Elizabeth sighed.
"Thank you Abigail. What would I do without you?" She smiled and Abigail shrugged.
"You'd probably already be married to a 40 year old man." Abigail winked and they both burst out laughing. Elizabeth hugged her sister tightly and Abigail hugged back with a smile.