Pirates, disgusting drunks who sail the seas stealing from the wealthy islanders. people are taught to hate them but what if some went away from that teaching and fell for them instead?
I do not own Pirates of the Caribbean characters or plot just...
Will walked through the drunken streets of Tortuga into a small bar. He walked up to the counter and tapped his fingers against it.
"One moment!" A voice yelled. Tempest turned around and saw Will. He smiled Slightly at her and she didn't smile back.
"Ill get us a table." She mumbled. He followed her over to a small corner table. She sat across from him amd raised an eyebrow.
"I need your help." Will finally spoke up. She nodded.
"I figured as much. What is it now?" She asked. He sighed.
"A man named Beckett, he arrested me, Elizabeth, Abigail, and Isobel for helping Jack. We're all going to be executed if I don't bring him Jack's compass." Will stated. She seemed to zone out then she shook her head and looked at him.
"You think I know where Jack is? You're mistaken, I haven't seen him in months. He talked about finding a key or something random like that." She shook her head again. Will sighed.
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"You don't even know where he could've gone?" He asked lowly. She shook her head.
"Just rumors. The Pearl was spotted on an island that isn't inhabited by anyone but that's all just codswallop and rumors. I wish I knew more Will, I really do." She sighed. He nodded.
"Rumor or not, it's worth a look." He stood up and fixed his sword around his waist. "Thank you for yoir time."
"I can do more than that. I can get us a ride." She stood up as well.
"Us?" He asked.
"Yeah, us, you'll need more than just your charm to get Jack's compass. I'm going to help you save the others." She stated. He nodded.
"Thank you." She shrugged.
"Dont thank me till it's done and they're safe."
About a day later a large shipped neared a green island. Tempest and Will stood looking over the rail at the large black ship pulled up onto the sand.
"Thats him alright." Tempest mumbled. The men on the ship began whispering in French. Tempest looked at them then at Will.
"What do they say?" He asked. She sighed and slipped her coat off.
"We have to swim for it they won't go any closer." She climbed on the rail and dove into the cold water. Will followed her immediately after. They swam for a while until they pulled themselves onto the sandy shore.
"It's unlike him to just leave his ship. No crew no protection." Will mumbled. Tempest nodded in agreement.
"He was running from something obviously. They all were." She looked at the jungle ahead and then back at Will. "Theyre in there." She pointed. Will nodded.