Pirates, disgusting drunks who sail the seas stealing from the wealthy islanders. people are taught to hate them but what if some went away from that teaching and fell for them instead?
I do not own Pirates of the Caribbean characters or plot just...
The ship creaked as it floated through the icy water. Tempest stood by the mast shivering grumpily. Snowflakes decorated her dark hair. Elizabeth sat huddled up in with a large blanket wrapped around her shoulders. Tempest slowly made her way over to Barbosa who was steering the ship.
"Do you think we'll actually make it? We've been traveling for over a day and it's only getting colder." Tempest asked. He nodded.
"Aye, we'll make it. We're getting closer I can feel it." He muttered with a small smirk. She rolled her eyes.
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"Whatever you say Hector." She shivered and made her way back to the mast. Will sat on a crate looking over the map. Abigail walked over to him and pulled another crate over so she could sit beside him.
"If the map is correct we should be there by now." He muttered quietly trying to keep his teeth from chattering. Abigail rested her head on his shoulder softly.
"We'll figure it out. We'll save him and in the process save all of us." She mumbled and kissed his jawbone. He turned to look at her and kissed the top of her head.
"I wish I could be optimistic like you." He spoke softly making her smile slightly. She looked up at the sky to see thousands of beautiful shining stars.
"Thats what I'm here for. I'm your optimism and you're my realist voice pf reason." She chuckled. He laughed in response.
"I love you. Whatever happens I just want you to know that." She gently grasped his cold hand in her slightly warmer one. He enjoyed the warmth.
"I love you too." They leaned in to kiss but the ship started moving faster. They pulled away and Will stood up.
"Whats going on?" He asked. Tempest looked over the edge to see water moving rapidly. She and Will ran towards the front of the boat to see a large drop coming towards them.
"It's a waterfall......" Tempest spoke in shock.
"It's worlds end." Will added then ran towards Barbosa. "Turn the ship around or we'll go over!" Barbosa only laughed at Wills demand.
"Over is exactly where we need to go boy! We have to go over the edge to reach worlds end!" He continued to laugh. Pirates started to scream and run around in fear of their lives.
"Most of us won't make it Hector are you insane!!!!" Tempest screeched as she reached the wheel.
"Aye, that they will." He smiled showing his rotted teeth. "Everyone hold onto something!" Tempest grabbed onto the mast. Will ran over to the side of the ship and held onto the railing. Abigail hugged Elizabeth tightly. The front of the ship faced down and the bottom rose up then the ship flipped onto its side as they went down the giant waterfall.
Tempest groaned in pain. Her back ached and the sky was bright. She heard groans and voices all around her when suddenly something thudded next to her. She looked over to see Abigail kneeling next to her.