Ryders POV...
"That's great Chase!" I said smiling at my beloved German Shepard, but I noticed he was taking glances of Marsha. "Okay pups we have a serious situation! Mr porters boiler just blew and the cafes storage room is on fire, so for this mission I need Marsha! As you are a professional Fire pup, I need you to put the fire out! I'll also need Chase and Rocky! Chase I need you to keep people back and stop traffic, and Rocky once Marsha finishes putting the fire out I need you to figure out what caused the boiler to catch fire! The rest of you stay here in case I need you!" I said to the pups. "I'm fired up!" Marsha said smiling. "Chase is on the case!" Chase said in his serious tone. "Green means go!" Rocky said smiling. "Alright! Paw Patrol is on a roll!" I said running and sliding down my fire pole.Chase POV...
We arrived at the scene and omg the fire is bad. Before Ryder could give orders Marsha went straight to work. I noticed a boarder collie was staring at Marsha and for some reason I growled. That's when I heard Ryder and Rocky giggling. "What?" I asked them confused. "You seem to be jealous Chase..." Ryder said giggling. "Jealous of what?" I asked again. "Jealous, because that boarder collie is eyeing your girl wink wink..." Rocky teased. I couldn't stop blushing. "I have no idea what you're on about Rocky?" I replied, but I got to work and not long after the fire was fully out. "Great job Marsha!" I said hugging her. "Thanks Chase!" She said hugging me back. "You're welcome Marsha!" I replied back. Rocky went into the burnt cafe to check what caused the boiler to create the fire! I began to walk to Ryder when I noticed Marsha was talking with the border collie. Why am I angry? Maybe I'm just tired...Marsha's POV...
As Chase walked towards Ryder I noticed a border collie looking at me, so I walk over to him. "Hey may I help you?" I asked curiously. "Oh no I'm good thanks I'm new here and I've never seen pups doing jobs like that before!" He said to me. "My name is Marsha by the way. Nice to meet you uhhhh..." I said not knowing his name. "My name is Ken and it's nice to meet you too Marsha!" He said to me making a cute smile. I then noticed Chase walking over. I began to wiggle my tail in excitement! "Hey Chase!" I said happy. "Hehe, hey Marsha..." he said back. "Chase I want you to meet Ken! Ken this is Chase!" I said giving Chase a massive hug. "Nice to meet you Ken!" Chase said holding out his paw. I rolled my eyes. He's so serious all of the time, but that's what I love about Chase. "Nice to meet you too Chase." Ken said shaking Chase's paw. We hear Ryder calling us and we said our goodbyes to Ken and head back to Ryder. After a few minutes it is getting really late now, so we head back to the Lookout. I'm so tired. I transformed my fire truck back into my pup house and I fall asleep, dreaming about Chase and Ken...

Chase X Marsha Season 1
AdventureSeries 1: Based of 'Falling for my best friend' by HavocHound off FanFiction.Net... This story is about Chase and a female version of Marshall named Marsha!