Chase's POV...
As we walked into the warehouse my nose begins to tickle. I stop walking and I can't help but to sneeze! "(Sneezes) uhhh sorry guys." I said giggling in embarrassment. The rest of the pups giggled and Ryder rolled his eyes. We continued to walk through the abandoned warehouse until we reached a door. Ryder and I peaked into the room and saw Marsha tied down on a chair. I also noticed Ken walking towards her. I wanted to burst through the door and rip him apart but Ryder took hold of me. "Chase no we need to use the element of surprise!" Ryder whispered to me. "But I need to save her, she's going to get hurt!" I whispered back. We then heard Marsha and Ken talk...Marsha's POV...
I'm so scared right now. So many questions flowing through my mind. Questions like
• How did ken get here?
• What's he going to do to me?
• How's Chase?
I miss Chase! I really need him now more then ever! "Chase!!! Help!!!" I yelled. "Oh be quite! He'll be here soon to rescue you from me!" Ken said making me confused. "Wait, what? You want Chase here? Who are you Ken?" I asked curiously. "Oh so many questions!" He shouted at me making me nervous...No one's POV...
Ken knew the rest of the pups are hiding behind the door. "You can't hide from me Chase and Ryder!" Ken shouted to get their attention. Chase, Ryder and the rest of the pups walks the door. Ken laughs and claps his paws together. "Finally I got you!" Ken said smiling. "Who are you really Ken?" Chase yelled. "And there he is the anger and fury of the Time-pup! It's me Chase and Marsha! Dominic!" Ken said laughing. Chase and Marsha widened their eyes. "Dominic!!!" Chase, Marsha and Ryder shouted. "Sorry, but who's Dominic?" Skye asked confused. "A old enemy of Chase and Marsha. Many times he's tried to take over Adventure Bay, but Chase and Marsha always stops him..," Ryder explained.
"But we saw you getting crushed by that building and you were confirmed dead when the people found your body!" Chase said confused. "I regenerated!" Dominic said laughing. "What?" Liberty asked confused. "Never mind!" Dominic said angrily. He whistled making the pups and Ryder confused. After a few seconds Sweetie came through the portal. "Wow! That is a good entrance yeah." Sweetie said smiling. "Sweetie?! But where did you come from?" Skye asked confused. "Be afraid Chase, because everything is about to change!" Sweetie laughed along with Dominic...——————To be continued...——————

Chase X Marsha Season 1
AdventureSeries 1: Based of 'Falling for my best friend' by HavocHound off FanFiction.Net... This story is about Chase and a female version of Marshall named Marsha!