Chase's POV...
After Marsha yelled Ken asked her out the reaction was hilarious. My mouth dropped to the floor, Rubble spat his food out, Skye was having a heart attack, Zuma fainted! Rocky dropped his book into his water bowl and the water splashed over him haha! Ryder just stared at her with a are you kidding me look! "W-What?" I asked her confused. "Ken asked me out and I said yes. Do you approve of it Chase?" Marsha asked me nervously. Why does she needs my approval? "Of course I approve Marsha! If he makes you feel happy then enjoy yourself with him..." I said beating myself up in my mind! I was about to say no I don't, but the look she's giving me made me think twice! Why do I feel depressed all of a sudden?!
What's wrong with me?!No one's POV...
Ryder noticed Chase looking depressed and decided to get him up stairs to the top level! "Hey Chase I need you for a bit! I'm cleaning a cupboard out but it doesn't have a light, so maybe you could use your torch to light the cupboard up?" Ryder asked Chase smiling at the male German Shepard. "Sure Ryder!" Chase said walking into the elevator! They went into the elevator and the doors closed. One it started to go up Ryder looked at Chase. "What's wrong buddy? You don't seem yourself right now!" He asked Chase concerned about the German Shepard. Chase just sighed to himself...Ryder's POV...
I'm really getting worried about Chase now. While Marsha explained that she said yes to Ken, Chase has looked depressed! I hope my beloved pup is okay! As we reached the top I went over to my bean bag and sat down. "Ryder I thought you wanted me to help you with the cupboard?" Chase asked curiously. I mentioned Chase to come over to me. "I just made that up, because I noticed you started to feel uncomfortable down there after Marsha mentioned Ken asking her out!" I said hugging Chase. Chase sighed to himself and looked out the window gazing down at Rubble, tracker and Everest playing in the front yard! "I don't know Ryder I'm really lonely without Marsha! We've always done things together and now Ken has come between us! Now she spends more time with him than she does with me! I don't know what to do?!" Chase said lying on my legs sighing to himself...

Chase X Marsha Season 1
AdventureSeries 1: Based of 'Falling for my best friend' by HavocHound off FanFiction.Net... This story is about Chase and a female version of Marshall named Marsha!