Chapter 16:

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No one's POV...
The following morning the Paw Patrol began to wake up. Marsha yawns and heads down stairs for her breakfast. "Good morning Ryder!" She said smiling. "Good morning my princess..." he said making Marsha giggle. "Have you told any of the pups about you being pregnant with Chase's pups?" Ryder asked. "No. I haven't even told Ken on the phone yet!" She answered Ryders question. "Maybe you should leave Ken and become Chase's girlfriend." Ryder said smiling at her. "I really want to, but..." Marsha looks down sad. "But what Marsha?" Ryder asked concerned. "I can't leave Ken! He's so amazing, kind and caring..." Marsha daydreamed. "But he's not the father of the pups..." Ryder interrupted. Marsha just thought about what Ryder said.

Marsha's POV...
I decided to go and sit outside, so I could think about what Ryder said. "Hey Ryder is it okay if I sit outside by the front doors to have a bit of fresh air?" I asked. "Okay Marsha I'll switch the security camera on just in case you're in danger!" Ryder said to me smiling. "Thanks Ryder your the best owner any pup could ever ask for..." I said smiled back at Ryder and hugging him and walked off but me being me I tripped over my own food bowl...

Ryder's POV...
I couldn't help but to giggle when Marsha tripped over her food bowl. She's such a cutie. Ken better not harm her! I'm lucky to be her owner. I really hope she dumps Ken and end up with Chase, because she's pregnant with Chase's pups. "Be careful Marsha!" I said worrying about her safety and her unborn pups safety. "I will Ryder!" Marsha yelled to me from the elevator. I watched as the elevator doors closed and I walked back to the main control panel and switched the security cameras on. I noticed Marsha walking out of the elevator and sitting down. I noticed she was thinking about something. "Awww my little pup looks so cute when she's thinking..." I said to myself. After a few minutes I noticed a dark figure hiding behind the door frame. I was just about to sound the security alarm when the figure jump out at Marsha! "No! Marsha!!!" I yelled in fear. By the time I got my pup pad to call the rest of the pups Marsha was already taken. I got my pup pad. "Paw Patrol to the HQ hurry!!!" I yelled out in panic...

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