Chapter 13:

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No one's POV...
After a few hours Chase and Marsha were on their way back to the HQ. "I really enjoyed myself Chase! Thank you for the great evening..." Marsha said kissing Chase's cheek. Chase blushed like mad and took Marsha in his arms and kisses her on the lips. "What was that for?" Marsha asked. "I don't know. I just all of a sudden I felt the urge to kiss you and so I did. Hehe, sorry..." Chase said nervously. As Marsha and Chase walked through the streets the came around a corner and Chase noticed a bus. On the bus he thought he saw Ken. "What? Ken!" He said extremely quietly to himself. "What was that Chase?" Marsha asked confused. "What? Oh nothing just thinking out loud that's all!" Chase said smiling at Marsha. Chase hears a strange sound and looks back at the bus, but doesn't see Ken. "Hmmm, maybe I was imagining it." Chase thought to himself in his head.

Chase's POV...
We arrived back at the HQ and headed for my room. "Wait Marsha, why are you going to my room?" I asked confused. "Because I want to spend the night with you..." Marsha said to me smiling. I couldn't help but to blush. Omg she wants to sleep with me!!! I don't know how to react. "I'd love that." I said very nervously and happy. We arrived at my room and I allowed her into my room. I closed the door and headed for my pup bed. I noticed Marsha standing in front of me and a large smile on her face. "Hello! How may I help you?" I asked giggling. Marsha didn't say anything, she just launched herself at me and we began make out in my pup bed...

No one's POV...
Meanwhile the Boarder Collie came out of his hotel and looked around. As he walked around he found an abandoned warehouse and smiled to himself. "This place is perfect!" He yelled to himself. "Hahaha I'll have my revenge on you Prince Chase!! Hahahahahaha"...

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