Chapter 8:

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No one's POV...
It's been 2 weeks since Marsha and Ken started dating. Chase has changed into a pup! He's now more angrier and more focused on his work as a Police pup. Ryder, the pups and the people of Adventure Bay were worried about him. Marsha thought he is just growing/maturing faster than the rest of the pups. "Ryder I'm worried about Chase he's not himself!" Rocky said to Ryder. "Me too Rocky... Me too..." Ryder replied to Rocky. Ryder sighed and began to think to himself."We need a vacation! Some for Chase and Marsha to spend time with each other again without Ken!" Ryder said still thinking to himself...

Ryder's POV...
As I was thinking of a perfect place for our vacation, the screen in the Lookout began to ring! I answered the call. "Paw Patrol! What's your emergency?" I asked. "Hi Ryder!" A voice shouts to me happy. "Hey Liberty! How's things in Adventure City?" I asked Liberty. "Oh nothing much. I haven't had a rescue in the past 5 days, I'm extremely bored!" Liberty said to me giving me a idea! "Don't worry Liberty we'll be right there! The pups and I could do with some time off!" I said winking at Rocky who's still beside me giggling. "That's great! I'll see you soon Ryder! You to Rocky!" Liberty saids to us extremely happy. I get my puppad out, and I call the other pups! "Paw Patrol to the Lookout!" I yelled through my pup pad...

Marsha's POV...
I was with Ken kissing until my pup tag rang, so I stopped kissing Ken. "Sorry honey I have to go..." I said sadly. "But I was going to take you to dinner..." Ken said in a serious tone. "I'll be back don't worry you can take me some other time!" I said kissing Ken on his cheek and then running off to the Lookout. As I was running to the Lookout I couldn't stop smiling, because in my mind I can see me in the future with Chase and pups of our own! Don't get me wrong I love Ken very much, but I'm still in love with Chase! I reached the Lookout and tripped on a chew toy and flew into the elevator! I crashed into Chase! Our noses were touching! "H-hi Chase..." I said nervously. "Hi Marsha..." he replied to me giving me a cute smile. The elevator goes up and we sit in front of Ryder and Rocky. We look at them confused. "Paw Patrol ready for action Ryder sir! Ummmm without our uniforms?" Chase said confused. I quietly giggled to myself...

Chase's POV...
I'm so confused! Where's our uniforms? I can't stop asking myself in my head. "It's okay pups it's not a mission. I called you pups here, because we're going to Adventure City to visit Liberty, and spend time as a family again!" Ryder said to us. "Yes!" We all shouted. "And Everest and tracker are coming with us aswell!" Ryder said smiling. We all cheered! "Can Ken come with us Ryder?" Marsha asked Ryder. "Sorry Marsha but this is a family trip. Ken can come next time..." Ryder said smiling. We all quietly giggled to ourselves, luckily Marsha didn't notice. "Okay pups get your things ready we're going in 30 minutes!" Ryder said to us. We left and started packing our stuff. Everest went home to get her things and Ryder connected tracker to tell him we're coming to get him...

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