I miss you. So much.

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I can't believe she's gone. She must be so sad. I could see it in her eyes when she talked to me on Facetime. I'm still waiting for my award to come in the mail. You, know. For being the worlds worst boyfriend? I walked into the bathroom - on the tour bus - and opened the drawer, pulling out my blade. This is my first time. I would've done it before, but when I met McKenna I just couldn't. Now that she's gone it seems the only easy thing to do.

Without hesitation I put the knife to my wrist and pulled it across. I winced in pain, but felt some of the pain go away. I did it three more times until I felt better.

I sighed and pulled on one of my hoodies. It was cold on the bus anyways.

"You alright Austin? You were in there for a while." Alex said once I walked out.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Must've been something I ate earlier." I covered smoothly. He nodded and walked into the t.v. area and started watching Keeping Up With The Kardasians with Sam.

One day she'll be back in my arms. One day I'll call her my wife.

One day this pain will end.


I sighed and walked out into the living room/area. I noticed how packed it was and walked back to where all the bedrooms were and entered my room.

I went into the bathroom and pulled out my knife. I miss him so much. I held him back. I'm responsible for everyone being sad. I cut three times. One for each bad thought. I held a warm wash cloth on my cuts and then wrapped it up. All of a sudden Dani walked into my room and asked what I was doing.

"Oh, um..." I said as I hid my knife under my blanket. "Nothing."

"Why is your wrist all wrapped up?" she asked.

"I was doing a handstand, when I fell and my wrist got.,. um... hurt." I lied. She shrugged and walked out. Yeah, thanks for visting. I pulled out my guitar and started singing Our Song. 

I was riding shot gun with my hair undone in the front seat of his car

He got one hand feel on the steering wheel, the other on my heart. 

I look around and turn the radio down, he says "Baby is something wrong?"

I say "Nothing, I was just thinking how we don't have a song." and he says:

Our song is the slamming screen door, sneeking out late tapping on your window.

When were on the phone and you talk real slow cause its late and your Mama dont know.

Our song is the way you laugh, the first date "Man I didn't kiss him when I should have."

And when I got home, before I said "amen" asking God if he could play it again.

I stopped singing when my room neighbor banged on the wall and screamed for me to "Shut up please." at least she said please. 

I seriously have no idea what to do with myself right now. Might as well go to sleep. 

(in McKenna's dream)

"Austin?" I called. There was no answer. 

"McKenna, I've been waiting for you." Amber appeared and had a stupid grin on her face. She was holding a rope.

"Where's Austin?" I growled at her.

"Austin, oh honey, he got taken care of when you left. You know, you were to concided to notice how much it hurt him? Yeah, hes gone." she started walking toward me with the rope and I turned around, and ran.

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