Getting To Know You

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*McKenna's POV*

I woke up to hear someone knocking on the door fairly loud. I looked around ready to tell someone to go answer the door, but I was the only one awake. I got up, looked at myself in the mirror quick, and then went to answer the door. 

"Um, hi." I said as I looked around at One Direction.

"Hi!" Louis chirped.

"... Can I help you?" I asked.

"Simon told us that you were staying here. We thought we should hang out with you guys before we go on tour together." 

"Oh well, come on in. I'll go wake up the others." I said as I opened the door to our CLEAN hotel room. I quickly ran up the stairs and jumped onto me and Sams bed.

"What the heck?!" She asked as I jumped up and down on the bed.

"ONE DIRECTION IS DOWN STAIRS!!!! REPEAT, ONE DIRECTION IS DOWN STAIRS!!!" I yelled a little to loud. I heard chuckling downstairs. Sam screamed, waking up the others. 

"Oh my gosh, calm down. Were going on tour with them so get used to it." I explained calming her down. She ran to the bathroom fixing her now about shoulder length hair, and brushed her teeth. We all did the same and then all walked down stairs.

"Hey!" Austin said calmly as he went and high-fived Niall.

"Stay calm, stay calm, stay calm, stay calm." I head Sam whispering to herself.

"Would you guys like something to eat?" Michelle asked. They all looked at Niall.

"Oh, no thank  you. We just had breakfast." He said. He probably is hungry, but is to shy to say so.

"Hey do you guys want to go swimming?" I offered. They all looked at Liam and he said yes. We got our swimming suits on (Michelle, Me, Sam, Austin, and Alex), then followed One Direction to their hotel room (it has a private pool). Me and Sam were nudging eachother the whole way there. One of the boys would look back everytime me or Sam quietly said "ouch!", and me and Sam would smile at him innocently. 

"Alright, the pool is down the hall, last door on the left." Harry said. "Were gonna go up and get our swimming trunks on" they all walked upstairs and us "children" followed Michelle to the pool.

When we got there me and Sam held hands with Austin, Alex and Michelle then all jumped in at the same time. When we swam to the surface, One Direction was watching us. 

"Coming in?" Sam asked warmly. They all jumped in at the same time creating a huge splash. 

"Hey, lets sing a song!" Zayn said. Me and Sam looked at eachother and winked.

"INNNN WEST PHILIDELPHIA BORN AND RAISED!!! ON THE PLAY GROUD-" Soon all of us were rapping/singing. It was so much fun! 

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