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  • Dedicated to to all of my readers who have been with me from the beginning, you mean so much

"Hello?" I said into my phone as I woke up on the beach.

"McKenna?" Someone asked on the phone. "We need you to come down to the police station immediately."

"Oh, uh. Okay." I got up and looked around at all the hung over people lying on the beach until I spotted Austin.

I walked over to him and pulled him up by his arm.

"Wh-what are you doing?" Austin mumbled tiredly as he stood up.

"We have to go to the police station." I replied.

"Why?" He asked confused.

"Not sure, they didn't tell me when they called."

We walked to Austin's truck/car/whatever you wanna call it, and got in, speeding in the direction of the police station.


"Ah, McKenna and Austin. Glad your here, we have something to show you. Follow me." An officer said as he walked toward a room, me and Austin jogging behind him.

"We found some people in the very basement of the bar. We need to know if you recognize them at all."

The officer opened a door leading into a hospital type area-room with two people laying in two separate beds.

"Recognize them at all?" The officer asked as me and Austin stood next to a sickly looking woman.

"Not at all, do you know who they are?" I asked.

"Why don't you sit down."

Confused, I walked across the room and sat in a chair.

"You don't recognize ANYTHING about them?" The officer asked quieter this time, as if he was afraid of my answer.

"No...?" I said confused.

"McKenna, they're your parents."

That's the last thing I remember.


"McKenna, how do you feel?" Austin asked as I woke up in a bed.

"I-I'm fine. What happened?" I asked as I looked around, realizing I'm in Austin's room.

"You passed out. Wanna go see your parents?" Austin said warily.

"Parents... Sure." I got up slowly and took Austin's hand as we walked out slowly to his car.

"What do you remember exactly?" Austin asked me as he started the car and pulled out of his driveway. 

"Yesterday I was at the police station, and-"

"Yesterday?" Austin cut me off "You mean three days ago."

"I've been out for three days?" I said surprised. 


"Annyywaysss... I was at the police station and I sat down. Then the officer told me that the people I saw were my parents." 

"Oh yeah, something else happened too." Austin started. "Amber came by asking to see you. I told her no, but she left you a note. I haven't read it, but I kept it in here." Austin reached into his pocket, pulling out a folded up peice of paper with my name on the front. 

"Do you mind if I read it now?" I asked as I took the note. Austin shook his head no, and I began to open the note. Smiley faces were drawn everywhere on the note. 

Dear McKenna,

I see you've found your parents. What a shame. Just to let you know, your not getting out that easy. Watch out. (:

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