Here I Come

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The day after the fire I got to go back to my what's left of my house. Only about half of it.

Pretty much the only parts that weren't burned were the room that I was in and the room next to it, how weird.

My parents room is gone.

The letter they wrote me is gone.

Everything that was ever important to me is gone.

"So, how did the girls get into your house?" A police officer asked me as we looked at my black house.

"Not sure." I replied simply.

"How did they tie you up? Did you even fight?"

"Excuse me, I was alone. There was four of them. What do you think fighting would've done for me?" I snapped angrily.

"K.." The officer said as she walked away.

I stood in the same spot for about half an hour longer until I remembered about the picture Amber showed me.

My mom and dad are still alive.


I just have to find them.

I did notice something from the picture they showed me. A sign behind where my parents were standing said: Wilmar's Bar. So I'm left to infer that wherever they are, they're by the bar.

"Dani?" I asked once I got to Austin's house.

"Hey, need something?" She called from the kitchen, with Michelle.

"Uhm, no offense Michelle, but can I talk to you in private Dani?"

"I'll leave you two alone for a while, if that's what you need." Michelle said as she walked out.

"Spill." Dani told me as she patted the kitchen counter, motioning for me to sit down by her.

"I saw another picture when they tied me up." I started as I sat down "and please, give me a chance to prove myself, but I know where my parents are. Or, where they are by at least."

After a few minutes of silence I decided that it was a bad idea.

"You know, just forget about it. It was dumb to think their still alive anyways." I trailed off.

"Want me to go with you?" Dani asked as she put her head on my shoulder.


"Want me to go with you? To find your parents."

I excitedly nodded and Dani got down and went to tell something to Michelle. She came back with Michelle's car keys. Did I mention that I got my drivers license?

"LEGGO." Dani said as she tossed me the keys and went to Michelle's car, getting in the passenger seat.

"If your okay, then lets do this." I said as I got in the car, started it, and pulled out of the drive way.

Here I come.

authors note:

Sort of a filler, but I will update tomorrow IF I REMEMBER!


Love y'all,

Kiara ❤

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