That's A Lot To Take In

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*Austin's POV*

Were on the bus again. Everyone is sleeping except for me. I'm sitting in the bed next to McKenna while she mumbles in her sleep. She turned so her wrist was facing upward, and I noticed something. I leaned in closer and realized that it was cuts. She had more than me. Why would she do this? Does she know I did it a few times. Well, I'm not doing it again.

Dani was sleeping in my Moms old bed. She's really nice, I think Alex likes her. They're close to the same age. Me and Sam ARE older than Alex, and Dani and Alex would be a good couple me and McKenna agreed.

Suddenly McKenna jerked awake.

"Where are we?" She asked nervously. She noticed her wrist showing and she pulled her sweatshirt over her wrist.

"McKenna, stop." I said pulling out her wrist. "Why did you do this?"

"I-I'm sorry." she stuttered "I wont do it agian - I promise. What about you?" she pulled my wrist out. When did she find that out?

"I know, and I'm sorry. I wont do it again. We can do this. Together." she nodded and crawled out of the bunk and walked to the kitchen. I followed her as she got a glass of water - yes, the tour bus has a working sink and kitchen like area.

We both climbed back into bed and fell asleep wrapped tightly in eachothers arms.

--------------------------------------- the next morning --------------------------------------------

I woke up and McKenna wasn't by my side. I moved the curtain blinds away for a second and got blinded by the bright sunlight. Once my eyes cleared I realized we were at a hotel. Alabama I believe.

I got up and walked off the bus after brushing my teeth. I looked around and saw Alex and Dani talking inside the hotel in the lobby. I walked up to them and they stopped talking immediatly and started blushing a bright red. 

"Well, what do we have here?" I asked as I put my arms around both of them and squeezed them close to my sides. They both blushed ever redder. "Does little Alex have a crush?" I asked in a baby voice. He pulled away from me as Dani did the same.

"No!" Alex said, obviously lying.

"AUSTIN!!!" someone yelled from somewhere above me. I looked up and saw McKenna standing on the 2nd floor. I waved at her and she motioned for me to come to her. I ran up the stairs, kissed McKenna on the cheek, and then she showed me the hotel room. Average Joe.

"Where are the guys?" I asked McKenna once we got back down to the lobby. 

"They went out to get breakfast, are you hungry?" She replied. I shrugged and went to watch t.v. Everyone followed me.

---------------------------- that night --------------------------------------

"McKenna, you need to go to sleep." I heard Dani whisper to McKenna who was lying next to me. Dani was on the couch, and Niall and Alex were in the second bed. Alex didnt want Dani to sleep on the floor, but she insisted.

"I just cant." McKenna whispered a reply.


"Because of my dreams. They're scary, and I cant sleep with them anyways."

"Please, just try."

"Okay, I'll try."

McKenna calmed down a bit because I could feel the bed go down a bit more on her side. We were sleeping back to back, and she was on the side closest to the window.

Soon I heard her snoring and we both fell asleep.

----------------------------------------------- the next morning (sorry for all the time skips)------------------------------

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