Mr. Ackerman

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POV - levi

My two, not really, friends has kidnapped me. When I finally got free use of my hands I undid my blindfold. I look up as the car stoped. "Hey fucks why am I at school." I hit both of them on the back of they're heads.

"We're sorry levi but you wouldn't come if we just asked." The girl known as hanji/shitty glasses wines. "And we need a substitute!" The guy I call eyebrows/Erwin rubes his head.

"Oh fuck no!" I scream. "Why the hell would I do that! Those are shit kids! Littrly there 17-18 year old." I tell them as they should know I hate kids.

"We know that but is only two weeks or less." He told me like that would help change my mind. " okay! What if I pay for your club bill." Hanji yelled. " I don't go to the club."

I told her. " it's to messy for my liking." I almost shiver at the messy stuff there. " okay, but I need you too see my new stripper!" She yells.

I have two vary different, but the same, friends. One, eyebrows/Erwin, own a school and the other, Shitty glasses/ Hanji, owns a strip club.

"Fine, I'll do it but only if I like the new person." They clapped and got out the car. "Okay, so mr Ackerman you will substitute math from first-fifth period and gym sixth-seventh." I nod as we go inside the building.

"Sixth-seventh is a two period thing so you will have them for that long." I then roll my eyes. " two hours with shit teenagers." I say to myself. " I think thats all you need to know."


It was now time for fifth period. I hope these brats will be better than the other ones.

POV Eren

Fifth period is the worst! I am the worst at math. I did hear we're having a substitute so I'm probably lucky. In the hall walking to math I bumped into someone. I fell on to them kinda straddling them.

"I'm so sorry!" I yell and try to get up. Once I get a good look at them I relies 'he's' hot.

" I-I'm sorry." I sqeacked as I help him up. "Dumb brat." He whispers to himself and I grown a little. Then the bell rang and I jumped a little closer to the smaller man in front of me.

"W-well I have class...bye." I smiled at him and waved. I then rush away covering my face. Fuck my luck he's hot. I still feel my hot face as I ran into math class. I start to feel the heat go from my face but it came back once I saw who the sub is.

"Okay brats I'm your sub and we have a pack to be for the rest of class." Everyone frowns as he walks up to me. "Pass these around bright eyes." He plopped a big pack of papers. I then got up and passed them around.

After that and all mr. Ackerman was on his computer. I couldn't stop looking at him. I can't help it he's hot. I don't care what age he is but I kinda want him. Yes, I barely know him but who cares. Age is just a number. I then was snapped out of my daz from the bell.

"Tern them in now." He told us.

Shit, I barley did anything. I got up while everyone was gone and gave it to him. Our hands touch and I wink while biting my lip. "See you later mr. Ackerman." I sway my hips as I leave.

POV- levi

I watch as his hips sway side to side as he leaves. I won't mind it if he was18-19 I would go for it but he can be 17. Oh I hope he's over 17.

Now I also have to go because of gym class. Do they even where gym of on my way I see that bright eyes, Eren. "So bright eyes, what was that back there." I spok causing him to flinch and look up surprised.

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