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POV- Eren Yeager

My job was at a flower field. As long as there's flowers growing and there at a
store when they need it, I basically keep my job. I can also make these flower crowns because my friends, Armin and Mikasa, love to sell them for me. The job
is my life. I've had it for two years now! This job is my life now and i even stay after hours sometimes. Today was different though.

Someone was at the garden with a guitar in their hand. This was a public garden so I can't tell him to leave, plus I wouldn't want him to leave with his beautiful playing skills. The raven haired man starts to hum and with only that i can tell his voice was deep. "Oh shit i need to do my job.' I thought to myself and walked out of my hiding spot. His eyes were closed so he didn't see me coming. I worked for thirty
minutes creating ten flower crown till the music stopped. When it did i looked over at him. The shorter man looked at me with embarrassment.

He sat up a little more. "How long have you been here?" He asked setting his guitar next to him on his picnic blanket. "Hafe-an-hour." I said, trying to finish my eleventh crown. "Why haven't you said anything?" He lifted his eyebrow and hid his hands. "Because i know that you would stop and leave. Please, continue, i love your playing." He hesitated but he grabbed the guitar again. "Thanks!" I
shouted as he played a song that I do know. The time went by fast and in that
time i planted sixteen more plants, made five more flower crowns, and picked
sixteen more flowers.

He stopped playing again and i see him look at the time. "When do you get off work?" He asked, i looked at my watch on my left arm. "Like five minutes ago." I look him i the eyes to see light blue but also gray in them. "Why don't you finish up here and i take you out for lunch?" I smile looking at the flower crowns. I get an idea and smirk at him. I walk up to him a basket
filled with seeds, water, water bottles, and the flowers/ flower crowns.

"Only if you where this for me." I hold up a tulip flower and put it behind his hair. "Fine
but-" He grabs a sunflower from the
ground, cleans the dirt off, and puts it
behind my ear. "You also have to where this sunshine."

POV- Levi Ackerman

"You also have to where this sunshine." I didn't smile but i wanted to. His ears
got red a little and looked away with a little grin. He covered his smile with his
hand and that made me chuckle. "What's your name?" I asked playing with his
hair next to his ear. "Eren, Eren jaeger. His hand uncovered his face. "Levi, Levi
Ackerman." I told him. We leave the garden and i dropped him off at a flower
shop he said, he always went here after work. Eren then came back and looked
more then happy.

"Are you ready?" I ask, his blush on his cheeks and ears was enough to answer my question. " yeah, I'm ready." I feel blush go on my face realizing what sounds like we're doing. "Let's go then." I back the car up and then start driving. I look over at Eren to see him playing with his hands. The sunflower in his hair show the hint of gold in his eyes that was covered with
green. He smiles and looked at me. I allow myself to smile back the look at the
road again. I can feel eren move in his set. His blush was not unknown to the corner of my eye.

Once at the cafe i walked out of the car and went to erens side. He fell asleep on the way here so i have to wake him up first. I go ahead and open his door then shack him awake. "Let's go brat." he got up and walked with me inside. His cute face had a smile of the sun. The sunflower in his hair made him look even more cheerful. "Hiya, what would you lik-oh hi levi!" One of my friends, Petra, said. " would take the usual, and what about you brat?" "'I take a ice coffee. Extra sugar." She puts that in and the amount comes up
on the top of the computer. "10.52 please."

With that i pay for it even though
eren says he wants to pay for his own. "Just sit down sunflower." I see the blush
appear on his face. "Whatever." Petra pulls me over and winks at me. "I hope
you have a, fun, date!" She said and went back to her job. I hide my blush and
went back to eren. "Hi, again, levi!" He said and i sat next to him instead of in
front of him. His ear turned red and i push his hair behind it. "Hey, sunshine."
When there eyes meet it was like a trance. They only wanted to look at each
other, like that's all that mattered.

POV - no one

They go closer together. Eren bit his lip, levi held his breath, they both so close
together. "Hey guys here is your drink- oh my!" The strawberry blond put the
drinks down but ran as soon as she did. The two boys finally looked away from
each other in embarrassment. And just sipped at the drinks. Right after ten
minutes of awkwardness they finally start talking. "Okay,um, what's your
favorite thing to do." Eren asked and leaned on Levi's shoulder. "Playing music
at that garden." Levi patted erens head. "Why haven't i seen you at the garden
before?" Eren looked up to levi just never lifted his head off the other's

"Well i only go on weekends but this is like my first time going on a
Friday." Levi put his arm around eren. "Good to know." Eren whispers putting his
hand on Levi's knee. Levi smirked at erens hand and then looked at the back of
erens head. "Maybe we should go and hang out at my place." Eren said, playing
with Levi's pants. Levi found this instructing and put his hand down all the way to the seat. "What would we do, sunshine." Eren blushed a little feeling Levi's hand on his ass.

"Maybe, go change and get confert. Play a game, but after the game we would be to tired to do anything else." Eren smirked and whispered it in his ear. Levi closed his eyes making eren look at him confused. Levi closed his eyes making eren look at him confused. Levi moved to erens ear and that made eren shiver seeing the older boy like this. "Oh really, well, during the game ill make sure you can't walk." Levi said rubbing his hand, that wasn't on erens ass, on erens thigh.

Ruling it so close to his crotch. "L-levi can we go n-now." Levi didn't reply but grabbed Erens hand, dragging him to the car. "Tell me the way brat." Levi said and almost glared at Eren. Half way there Eren started to grow inpatient. He pushed of his shoes and pulled his feet on the Seat he
pushed his legs apart and pushed his hand down his pants. "Ah-a-ah Levi
please, hurry." Levi looked over at Eren then back to the Road. "Levi, please
ahh." Levi moved his hand to Eren pants. "Be patient Eren." Levi put his hand
inside erens pants and stroked him fast.

Eren covered his mouth. "Oh you like
that, don't you." Eren looked at Levi with plead full eyes. Eren nodded his head. "Use your words now, sunshine." Eren pulled his head off his mouth and Levi
smirked still looking at the road. "Y-yes ha-levi, i like it!" Eren head flew
backwards. "Levi, ah tern right. Ah th-that house. Please play with me." And
with that they went inside played games till night fall and then till sunrise.

Words: 1,406
Hey guys! Sorry I'm late again! It has been awhile but I made this. It'll probably take a while for another one to come out. Sorry!
Bye bye my little shipit's!
-ship it.

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