Ghostly love ❤️

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POV - Levi

I have been in this dame hell hole you call a forest. I have been stuck here for ten years. That means I'm twenty-one now. There is a house that is in the middle of the forest. People try to live there but I won't let that happen.

Everyone I have seen in that house was nice to people to their face but not behind their back. A bad fake not one like 'I'm sad but I won't show it.'! If watching then means something all I learned is everyone is fake.

I hated everyone who stepped into this house so what I do is scare, Hurt or torture them. It was the only thing I could do with my life. I did want to be a painter when I was young but I was terrible.

Walking through the forest that killed me made me sick. I hate it here! I always just wished I had lived a normal life. A thing I always wanted was to live with someone and have a child. I was walking towards the house when...

I see a moving van come through the forest and see a car next to the house. "Another one, really." I whisper to myself which is pointless. No one can see or hear me. I died, I'm dead, no life here!

No one can see me, no one can hear me, no one can touch me, if I don't allow them. You can see me, if I allow it. You can hear me, if I allow it. You can touch me, if I allow it.

I basically run to the house seeing a light chocolate brown haired person with green eyes. His green eyes...they're pretty. Light green or dark green? Was there yellow in it?

I snap myself out of it not waiting to know a person personally. "I'm so sorry sir you can go now." I see the Burnett apologize for stepping on the drivers foot. Once the driver left I wait to see the smile disappear like usual for heartless people.

Somehow his smile never went away. That was actually surprising. No one has ever kept a smile before. "Time to unpack" to himself and ran inside. I followed him inside seeing him unpack all his items.

When he left I looked around 'his' room. Pictures with his mother I think, pictures with a raven haired girl and a blonde boy. I hear a sound of the door opening so I put the pictures back where they were supposed to go.

Leave the room I look for the green eyed boy. Maybe I can use his friends to make him leave. I found him in the kitchen, sitting with his leg pulled in, crying. He was holding a photo of what I, thought and still, think is his mother.

Now I kinda feel bad even though I did nothing yet. I go closer to him wanting to help him but I can't trust him. "I just wanted someone..." he whispers making it harder to not comfort him.

It's what I wanted all my life. I wanted someone. I sit next to him, maybe I could let him stay. I slowly examine his super cute, and hot, face.

His hair a little messy but smooth and clean, good hygiene. His skin, he's tan but little lighter at the same time. His eyes, their green with yellow in the mix, their light but dark and have red around it from crying.

His lips, that look soft and needy. They look cute in the pout he's giving. Their pink but red also light but dark.

They look so kissable...

The cute, but hot, boy got up and went to 'his' room. "Maybe I can help him around the house." I said to myself and also got up. "He's going to sleep soon maybe I can... clean the house." I'm never in this house so I don't need to clean, but, I want to help him so I'll clean maybe cook.

All this will be suspicious so he can now I am here, when I'm ready. Maybe he will be nice, maybe he'll be rude, who cares.


Once he was asleep I started to clean the house. Nothing loud, just so I can keep doing what I'm doing. It was six O'clock now so I decided to cook breakfast.

Making eggs and pancakes , I constantly made sure the cute, but hot, guy was asleep. Finding out that the cute, but hot guy was named Eren Yeager. Finally done with the food I put it on a plate and go to wake Eren up.

I slowly sit on his bed. I shack him gently to not hurt him as he wakes up. He looks vary confused as he sat up. "What the fuck." He got up to see if anything had fallen over to shack the bed.

I grab his hand, only for him to have a shocked face, and pulled him to the kitchen. "Uh-um-eh-are you here to kill me." He asked and I shock my head. Realizing he can't see me I allow my voice to be heard.

"No..." I said something not liking that someone can hear me, at the same time I love it. " did you clean?" He asked looking around. "Yes..." once we stoped it was at the kitchen where the dining table was. "Breakfast?" He asked sitting down in front of the warm newly cooked food there.

"Yeah..." I say and pat his shoulder. When he started eating I went to the sink and cleaned the dishes. I feel him staring from all the weirdness that was basically happening right now.

"What exactly are you? What do you exactly want?" He asked thinking I wanted to kill him. "I'm a ghost and I want nothing from you." He sighed with relief knowing I won't kill him.

"Can I see you." Making me stop what I was doing and walk up to him. "If I trust you, which right now, that means no." I started and put my hand to caress his face.

Like I said, kissable lips.


It has now been two years and I'm finally comfortable to show myself to him. Mostly because we have been dating for two weeks now. I just really wanted sex after the last two days.

"Levi are you in he-" he walked into the living room, which I was in, actually able to see me. "Wow-uh" I play with my hands around my back and look at his eyes. He has a smile on his face now and not the fake one he used years ago.

He covered his mouth and moves a little like he was uncomfortable. 'Am I that ugly.' But then I see his 'hard on' in his pants and blush, feeling my pants get harder. I walk closer to him.

I seduce him by tuning around, wrapping my hand behind me around his neck and move my hip a little. I hear him gron so I moved faster. "E-Eren." I moan when he puts his hands on my hip. He pulls me closer when I stoped. "How about let's take this to my room." He said.

He dragged me to his room already kissing ever part of my neck. "Oh how I would love to fuck you." He whispered in my ear. He pined me on his bed making me moan. "Then love fuck me right now!" I said and we had sex.

///////////////////////////// this is what I was making for a while for this so I hope you like!

Bye my little

Words: 1279

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