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POV - Levi

Sleep was a thing that didn't come easily to me. I can try, but I'll always fail. Hanji didn't know, she just thinks I get up to early. Erwin just doesn't care at all really. Eren oh Eren, it's hard to keep him from knowing if he's, always around!

" captain please, can I come in." Eren wines from outside my door. He hasn't left my door and it's been one hour. He dose this every day and stays till I have to leave. "Captain I have your favorite tea.~"

I start thinking for a second and only now notice how parched I was. "Fine, come in." He opens the door slowly but runs in, slightly unbalanced, without dripping the tea.

He carefully puts the tea cup down, jumps in front of me, and goes under my desk. He also dose this every day. He sits under my desk, like a dog he is, hugs my legs and falls asleep. "Captain, your comfy!"

He whisper/yells and lay his head on my leg, like usual. "Whatever." I say and drink. After hafe and hour I start to do my paperwork again. "Captain it's twelve-thirty, let's go get lunch."

He says as he lifts his head. "Then let's go." I say even though I hate lunch. It's filled with germs, especially that potato girl. It's mainly just Erens friends.

To me Eren can clean now, he stays by my side all the time so I mostly made him clean. "Hurry brat." Once I said that he ran to my side. He grabbed my hand out of the blue. " that's new."

I look over to him I meet with him covering his face with his hand. I look forward again dragging him to the messhall.

The brat was being all cute playing with his hand, which means he's nervous, with his friends. "Truth or dare Eren!" That was looking percent chance of making everyone chance.

"Dare now shut up!" He yells back at everyone. Finally everyone was quiet. I can finally just eat "Levi what are your cadets doing." Erwin asked.

"Playing truth or dare, why." I say with my usual cold stair. "Cause their loud." He stated. "Aww but there having fun!" Hanji in her normal annoying voice. "Oh look Eren's coming over." Hanji calmed down a little.

"Hey Commander Erwin, Side captain Hanji, and C-Captain Levi." He said sitting next to me. This was probably the dare. "Hey Eren! I was thinking on a new experiment." Hanji said. Eren didn't respond though.

He was looking at the table, spacing out. Before I could ask Eren anything he grabbed my hand. Hanji and Erwin gasped and slide away from us. Eren moved my hand around his shoulder and scooted closer to me.

"Was this the dare or do you want to be close to me other then in my office and your room." He then leaned his head on my shoulder. "Why can't it be both?" He whispers.

I look at all his friends and give them a death stair I only use when I hate them. I can feel Eren go limp on me so I know he's asleep. Now for the rest of lunch I eat and hold Eren up.

After lunch i took Eren to his room/basement. "Sleep well brat." I tell him as I pat his head. I walk over to the other side of the table noticing something shiny. The shiny thing was the ring I gave Eren when we became friends.

(((((((((((((((((((((((((((Flash back))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

" Levi go take Eren to his basement." Erwin told me and I could tell he was hurting the bright eyes because of the way he is. " yes sir." I say and grab Eren the same way Erwin did. "Good." He said as he walked away.

Once out of view I let Eren go. He basically falls on the floor holding his arm. "Up jeager." I say, just because I'm rude doesn't mean I'm heartless. "Are you okay?" I ask, just my face showed a different story.

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