The closest mishaps

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POV - no one

Levi was on his weekly cleaning and he just used up all of his cleaning supplies.
To him he can still see all of the little dust specks. Eren just walked into the kitchen to see a very big mess. He, himself, was scared for everyone to clean it but they run away, even Mikasa.

Levi went to the supplies closet for more
cleaning supplies but was met with a pissed off Eren. Levi looked at him mad
and confused, but Eren looked at levi shocked and scared. "i didnt do anything! Not me! They just wear blaming me I sware! Captain you have to believe me!" Eren was cut off by Levi's hand. "I dint know what your talking about and hearing by what you just said i dont want to know." Levi moved eren out the closet so he can fit in only to be pinned there.

"Yeager!" Levi growled and faced eren. "It wasn't- I wouldn't- do that!" Eren panicked as the door slammed shut.
"Move." Levi had demanded but only to be meet with disappointment. "i-I can't." Eren tried but couldn't. Levi then pinned Eren to the door to open it but it wouldn't budge. "We're stuck." Levi whispers and this was the first Eren saw emotion on Levi. He saw shock on Levi and felt more scared. Eren moved so they were now side to side ego the door. They both moved back more then right in front of the door.

" I'm going to sit." Levi said, and slowly went to the floor. Eren slowly looked at
Levi then to the door then back to Levi. Eren was confused why levi wouldn't just
break the door down. Eren then sat down too, which made both Eren and Levi's
legs touch. "Captain, are you okay." Eren asked slightly moving his hand closer
to Levi's leg. " I'm fine jaeger, its nothing." Levi moved a little closer to Eren without Eren finding out. He was tired, something that never happens, and he didn't want his cadet to know. "you look a little sick though."

Eren felt Levi head but he didn't have a fever, Levi closed his eyes and layed his
head a little more on Erens hand. "Captain, your not okay." He pulled Levi's face
in. "Jeager-" before Levi got another word, he was sitting on Erens lap. Levi felt
his face heat up bit he stayed where he was. "Sleep captain." Eren layed his
head down on Levi's shoulder and Levi frowned. "I really hate you jaeger." Levi
then layed his head on Erens head and felt more tired then before. "Whatever
you say captain."

Eren fell asleep. "Night sir." Eren finally saw something he thought he would
never see, his captain, sleeping. He moved his hand on the sleeping boys hair
and played with it. The soft hair calmed Erens nerves and he looked at the
captain again. Eren looked at Levi thinking he's cute, but hot. Eren felt their face
go closer together from the second. Right now he was so close to kiss his captain, he really wanted to.

Levi was waking up to a nice falling of someone's finger in his hair. He pretended to sleep when he felt hot breath on his lip. He opened hid eyes slightly to see Eren going closer with his eyes closed. Levi was surprised but stayed there anyways. Eren was his favorite cadet and did like him back. Levi closed his eyes again and Eren kissed him. Levi kissed back which surprised Eren. Eren pulled away from Levi in surprised. "S-si-" levi didn't say anything and pulled eren back in too. Eren was still shocked but kissed back anyways.

They pull the other in and was on a full make out. "Ere- oh-ah" Erens hot breath on Levi's neck. Eren kissed Levi's neck all over but levi pushed him away. "Not r-right now." Levi panted and eren felt nerves. "D-dont i do something wrong." Eren moves closer to the shelf behind him. "What-no, I just what if someone comes in or hears us."

Levi blushes but eren blushed more at
Levi's words "wh-what!" Erens voice got higher. " is that not what were doing."
Levi looked at eren. Did he really think this. Eren is his cadet! He is his superior.
" W-well yeah b-but i didnt think you would say it li-like that." Eren rubbed his
arm feeling more shy then before.


They moved next to each other so they where very close, shoulder to shoulder.
This made them embarrassed of what happened but they were tired so they
ended up falling asleep.
When Levi wakes he was meet with a warm feeling that was followed by
crampedness. He knew he was still in the closet because he would never be on
the floor like this. Levi looked up to see Eren leaning on the wall and moved from
the brats shoulder. One side of Eren was on Levi and one side of Levi was one

Levi's leg on Erens, Erens arm around his shoulder, and their body's so
close. Levi blushed looking up to the ceiling. Something has now caught his
eyes, and it was a vent. It looked big enough for Eren and Levi to go in, one at a
time at least. Levi shook Eren up making Eren groun.

"Caption Levi." He said and instantly got
up. "Eren look, do you think we can go through that." Eren looked up at the vent
and smiled. "Yeah. I hold you up and you pull me up?" Eren asked wanting to get
out. "Okay." We both stud up and i climbed the shelf, with the help of Eren of
corse. Now Levi was standing on Erens shoulders and pulling himself into the
vent terns out it was small and now Levi was slightly stuck.
"Eren pull me out!" Levi yelled.

To be honest Eren had other plains. Eren touched Levi's thigh and Levi gasped.
"E-Eren?" Eren went higher and let go. Eren liked Levi's thigh and undid the
straps. "Eren! Get me out first!" Levi tried to push himself out. "But captions ass
is just right there." Eren pulled Levi's pants down and slowly caressed it.

The next thing he did was slap him. "Ah-ah" Levi moved and covered his mouth.
"Well look at that." Eren started to palm levi and cot his fingers with saliva. Once
done with that he stuck a finger up with Levi's hole. Levis eyes wide and so is his mouth. "Ah! Eren Ah-oh-ah!" Levi screamed and covered his mouth again. Levis eyes shot and had continues to try and get out.

Eren played with bough sides of Levi's and smirks. He shoved another finger after another. "Look at that, caption is a bottom." Eren thrust fingers faster. Levi
finally got out and made both eren and himself fall. Eren laying on the floor with
levi onto of him. Eren looked at levi in shock and at Levi's body.

Eren was looking at how Levi's body was. He was very muscular and not even
close to a girls body. Levi put his hands on erens chest and held his there. "I told
you to let me out first." Levi growled in erens ear. While sitting on erens stomach
he reached back and jerked him off. " you disobeyed your captain, brat." Levi
stroked faster but went slower again. "Ah c-captain please." This goes on for a
few minutes the everything went black for eren.

"Eren-Eren- Eren!" Eren woke up to a fully clothed Levi, and himself. everything
was still cleaned. It was a dream... "Ol brat, what type of dream did you have?"
Levi asked, finally opening the door. "Well I-uh-l.." before Eren answered he felt
his hared on and got up. "Well i sh-should-uh-eh-" eren ran as fast as he can to
his basement. Levi on the other hand, felt blush on his face. Eren had kept
calling for him but now he knew why. Levi walked to his room/office and just
stayed there.

The next day they saw each other in erens room and they did a lot of things through the free day.

Words : 1432
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Hope you had a good day and it was not destroyed when you read this. It did take a few days because of school but I did do it. I hope you like it and have a good rest of your day.
Bye my little shipit's!!

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