Sick 😷 Levi!

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(This is modern au. No titans, titan power, nothing. It's fluff!)

Eren's pov}

This was not supposed to happen. The cleanest person who doesn't ever lest a single germ on them is now sick. Turns out when Levi's sick he's okay with everything and smiles a lot. Sometimes no one has seen but me, and even I see it rarely.

"Okay Levi, sit up, we have to eat now."

I say hold his soup in one hand and my McDonald's in the other. He sat up looking at me like a pup. 'Is this how Levi-San feels about me when I do that!' I give him his bowl and sat next to him on our little bed.

"What show do you wanna watch?" I ask taking the remote off the nightstand next to me. "Can we watch a movie?" He ask sneezing at the end of his sentence.

"Of course baby!" I move to Netflix and let him choose and as he knows I hate horror moves but, oh no, he's sick and I can't say no to his sick face, so now we're watching Friday the thirteenth... again!

I try not to look at the tv at all times. I eat the Big Mac in my hand as levi eats his soup. I have coke as my drink and I gave levi water. Levi keeps our legs together as the rest of us is on opposite sides of the bed.

"Eren, I'm in love with you."

He said as the movie ended. "I love you too levi." I smile at him. I would kiss him if he wasn't so sick. "Marry me!" He said as he's now snuggled into the sheets. I stare at him in aww as his eyes slowly close.

"We're already married... but yes I will." I put his and my food on the nightstand and turned off everything before going into bed and sleeping with levi.

Words: 324

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