The levi ackerman

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POV: Eren

This is the best job I ever had. I see kids, I read to them, and I see Levi ackerman. He comes to pick up his child everyday. Her name is mikasa. She is one of mr favorite here!

Mr. Ackerman is always the last one here so me and mikasa always talk.

"So mikasa, what did you want to talk about." I ask her. "My dad said he wants to see someone." My hart almost broke. Me and mikasa bond over the fact I like her dad, I'm glad she's okay with that.

"Well that's fine, he can like whoever he likes." She slapped my shoulder. "It's you he likes mister." A smile went on my face when she said that. "When?" I ask wanting to look good for him.

"Today." She said making my eyes wide. I look ugly today! My hair a mess, my clothes look bad, and I'm just ugly! "Dad!" I hear mikasa say while she runs to her father.

"Hey mr. Ackerman." I said to him. "Hey Eren, how are you." He asked making mikasa go to the beanbags to what he us. "I'm good, you." I blush and hid my face in my hand. "I'm good, uhm so I needed to ask you something, would you-come to dinner, at my house."

I nod my head at him. My hands behind my back and smile at him. "Y-yeah sure." He came closer to me and moved the strand of hair out my face. "Here, I'll see you then." He kissed my cheek and I sqeked at it.

I feel my face go hot, meaning I'm blushing. I take the pec of paper he was giving to me and said bye to them both. After a few seconds I jump around feeling happier then ever!


I finally arrive at Levi's house. I knew mikasa wasn't going to be here so I wore very tight shorts with a kinda loose shirt. I knock on the door and hear footsteps.

When the door opened it was levi with only pants on and no shirt, I just want to take them off. I blush when I saw the smirk on his face. "Come on in Eren." I had loved when he said my name. Walking in I feel a small smack on my ass.

I jump a little when the door closed but when it did I moved him to the couch. "Mmh Levi, what's for dinner?" I whisper in his ear now sitting on his lap. I was straddling him and he grabbed my hip.

"Whatever you want, Yeager." He said and I plopped down on his dick, then want straight back up. I dounce on his pants and feel him become hard. "Oh~ look who's here." I say and get off him.

I bend down on my knees and face him. I teas him by tracing his thigh up all the way to his clothed dick. I gave it small licks wanting to see him brake. I only slowly take his pants down, hearing him gron, and see his hard on right in front of my eyes.

"Daddy looks very hot." I told him and palm his, thin clothed, dick. Well Yeager why don't come and jump on it." I smirk at him and stood up. " don't underestimate me daddy." I said, turned around, my back to him and grinned on him slowly.

He grabbed my waist pulling me closer to him. "Why don't you take these off." He says pointing to my shorts. "Dose daddy want me to strip." I state kinda asking. I stand and shake my ass a little.

He slowly pulled my pants and underwear down. He got up and a can feel his still clothed dick. "Mmmh please take those clothes off." I grind against him. He turns me around to pick me up, and he walks to his room.

I took my shirt off, and his too. He throw me on the bed and pinned me there. He kissed me making me wrap my legs around his hip. "Levi, please just fuck me!" I yelled.

I feel one finger go in. It was dry but soft. "Ahh Levi, Ahh ~" he added more fingers and now four fingers were in and thrusting in me. "Levi- Levi please-Levi I want more." I could barely get my sentence out, he starts pulling his fingers out and feel empty.

He move me so I was on all fours and pulled my hip closer. " mhm baby I'm going in." He said Making me feel the tip go in and I was now dizzy. "Levi-mhm." I moan and started more of him go in me. "Oh Eren, your so tight." He said trying not to moan.

"Ah-Ah Levi-Levi Ahh." I moan out. He started going slowly but slowly got faster with every thrust. "Levi- Ahh right there please. Ah-AHH!" This continues of me begging. "Eren I'm - ah- I'm going to cum!" He whispers in my ear.

He kissed my back everywhere close to my neck and went faster. "Levi- AH- I'm going to cum too-ahhh!" I moan wanting him to cum inside me.

"Levi! Daddy please, cum in me, ahh ahh ah!" It keeps happening after one minute it all comes out. He cam in me and I on his sheets.

I felt more dizzy and tired. I then feel him pull out and I fall backwards. I feel his warmness and cuddle in. His hot breath on my neck.

I love him, and after today, I will love him as long as likes me.


Hey shipit's! It's been a few days so I made this. Sorry it's been a long wait. I hope you like this and !!! Vote !!!

Words: 966

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