Everything but each other.

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/ I may not be here for a long time so I gave you a short oneshots... have a good day/
POV - no one

Eren had no idea what to do at
this moment. I felt sorry for Levi? Wait wait wait.. levi was the one crying. Levi looked up and saw Eren  sitting in front of him, still touching his leg.. "Go away Yeager." Levi felt like a brat and cried even more.

Ever since two year ago Levi had
liked Eren Yeager. He had always thought he was wonderful and no doubt was adorable. A year ago had come out to his
friends as being gay. They took it well. Eren still didn't know what to say or do. There were tear stains on Levi's  face and Eren had a strange urge to hug him
but he knew levi would just push him away like he dose with Hanji. So Eren just awkwardly patted his shoulder.

Levi hesitated for a moment but then threw himself into Eren's arms and cried there. He felt safe in his arms. Eren was shocked
at the sudden turn of events but he went along with it. He wrapped his arms around Levi and pulled him in closer towards
his body. "Er-Eren, don't leave." Levi said with a little stutter.

"Aww you called me Eren!" Eren beamed with delight. This made levi laugh and look at his hand on the other side of Eren. "Shut up." Eren pocked at Levi's face to see the smile which made Levi punch Eren in the arm.

"Don't touch my face." Levi whispered. Eren didn't listen and moved Levi's face to look at him. "Well can I do this." Levi's almost gave a confused face but befor he could their lips were together. Levi's eyesed widen but close right after. "Well that was-" Eren smirked but was interrupted by levi.

"Oh shut up and kiss me." With that they kissed. They have forgotten where they were, they had forgotten that Levi was crying, they had forgotten why Eren was even there, they had forgotten everything but each other.

Words: 395
So this is very short, I know, I know. This is late but I may not be here for a while because I have school. I'm so sorry that this is short and late.
Hope you have a good day!
Bye shipit's!

Ereri/Riren oneshotWhere stories live. Discover now