not so drunk.

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POV- eren-
I was moving boxes for Han because they're planing to do more experiments in the morning when I guarded captain Levi. "Yeager." He said, I was too scared of him that I didn't even look at him and act like I didn't just hear him. "Yeager." He said a little louder but I decided to continue with the boxes. "Yeager." He said a final time so I was sacred mor now so I answered before I got hurt. "What?" I asked
confused to even see him at this time at night.

" come sit and drink with me." He said and I can tell it was more than juice in that WINE glass cup. "Why?" To be fair I was never drunk and I don't want to start now. " 'cause everyone is asleep, and you're the only one awake." He said but I should have known. "Okay." I said and sat far away on the same couch as him. We sat in silence for about forty seconds before I start to talk to him. "so uh, what are we drinking?" I ask hoping its not wine. "Wine.
He said. The one thing I asked for was for it not to be WINE.

"Wine?"I ask hoping I heard wrong. He nods his head. "Why?" I ask. He looks at the cups then back at me. " do I need a reason?" I feel a little uncomfortable now. "I guess not, you're Humanitys strongest sir you don't need a reason to do anything. I guess." I move away slightly as I talked.
" I guess not." He said. "Okay..." I replied. He keeps looking at me like I'm doing something wrong. What now.' I say in my head.

" Yeager you can scoot over." He said wanting me to be closer to him. I, for some reason, look at him. " no i-I like it over hear." I say happy to stay here so I don't do something wrong to captain and he kick me in the face again. " I'm not going to beat you again." I sure hope so! Hey is acting so nice to me all of a sudden. '
" are you sure?" I ask still not wanting to.
" yes." He answered straight fowered. "Clearly you didn't se what I've done
upstairs." I mumbled to myself but somehow he heard it.

"You've done what?!" He ask but I anser
straight away. "Nothing!" I say tilting far away from captain. He was silent so I look to him and once he got my attention he showed me where I can sit, right, right, next to him. I only move less then a inch so he grabs my are and moves me so close to him. I blush a little but who cares.
"Get over here Yeager." He says, were so close are legs are touching. He puts his arm around my shoulders and my eyes wide. I look over to the table the holds two cups that look suspicious.

"Are you going to drink that? Or that? I don't know it kinda looks planed, you got two cups on a very strangely clean surface. Filled about the same amount and..... its like you we-" he cuts me off. "What are you trying to say?" He asked and I panic. "I don't what I'm trying to say sir!" I almost yelled but it was loud to say the least. Captain crossed his legs and started drinking his drink but I just sit there like an idiot.

When he puts it down I look at him the away fast. His and still on my shoulder I feel safe but not at the same time " so hows your drink?" I ask. This feels weird and I just want to leave. He just blenks and
look straight into my eyes. 'Is he trying to read my soul.' "You can drink the wine Yeager." He said even though I didn't want to. Before he can say anything else I pull him in quickly and kiss him.

I did like captain levi it's just he scares the living shit out of me. He sounded shocked with the gasped that left his mouth but still kissed back. "Yeager-" he said but to scared to see his reaction I deepen the
kiss More. I feel him kiss me back and wrap his arms around me to pull me in closer then I already am.

"Levi, can I not drink it.." I ask when I pull away. "Fine but we are going to do other things." He said pulling me up and forcing me to walk with him. "Like what?" I ask as he moves me to his room. "Oh-" I say and did everything he asked of me. In the short version of it. I loved it.

Words : 840

Hey everyone, I made this and I don't like it but I will still give it to you. I got most of this from a YouTube video who is @mishkali and yeah.

Hope to see you all again. Bye my little shipit's!

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