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POV-no one

Eren was a good kid. Never did anything bad. So now he was confused why he was in this situation. "Why am I going to detention!" He yelled all of his hatred on the teacher. Levi was not new to this. He
always got in trouble no matter what he dose. So when a teacher came and told them to go to detention, why was he so shocked. "That's bull!" Levi yelled, knowing it was not his fault.

The teacher wouldn't hear of it though. "You both will have to be in in school detention starting now." Eren and Levi looked at each other in shock. They stood there in the middle of the new spry painted
room. "Walk!" She said at the two boys but only really talking to the ravin haired boy. They all move to room where no one ever really goes to. " you will stay here till I say you can leave."

She gave a disappointing look and left the room. "This is really happening, I'm in this forever, what will my family do to me." Eren pasted around the room. To Eren, his life had felt upside down now. Levi just sat there, all the way in the back, with his le;
crossed on the table. Levis face looked annoyed. Eren sat right next to Levi. They weren't friends but they talked a lot.

"L-Levi are you even worried at all." Eren tried to look at Levi straight in the eyes. For some reason Levi had avoided they eye contact. "No. I stoped caring after number twenty-one." He stated making Erens eyes wide. "You-what-wait,
what did Erwin make you do?" Eren basically yelled at Levi. He hates seeing Erwin and Levi together.

"Again him, rider, and Annie wanted to do something. Why do you think we're here." Levi moved his book bag next to his set and then crossed his arm. "You did this!" Eren slapped Levis shoulder only to
see an emotionless stare too look straight in Erens own eyes.

"I didn't do it! I tried to talk them out of it, and why were you there! Your class was on the other side of the school." Levi yelled finally putting his legs on the floor. Eren looked away not wanting to see Levi's face. " I had things to do?" Levi can tell Eren was lied from the redness on his ears. "Eren. You fallowed me again." Levi said pinching the bridge of his nose. "Yes! Okay, I was really worried."

Eren yelled getting up but sat down on Levi's desk. They look into each other eyes getting closer without
knowing. They both jump back when the bell has rang. "Oh no, my forth period. I have a test!" Eren rubbed his leg which is what he dose when scared or nerves. Levi had rolled his eyes and took his phone
out. What the teachers always told Levi was every test or just things they did goes online I clever.

Levi somehow how knew all Eren information. He signed in for Eren then showed the screen to Eren. "Here."
Levi handed his phone to Eren. Only to be meet with wide eyes. "Oh, thanks Levi!" Eren jumped into Levi's arms and hugged tightly. Levi never been one for physical
contact but he loves Eren touch. " you're a life save-" Eren looked at Levi's face but stoped talking when he noticed that they were so close. "Saver..." Eren finished and got off Levi. Levi had blushed on his face
from Eren sitting on his lap and they're faces being that close.

Eren went and sat on the floor right next
to Levi. He sat there, starting to do his test. Eren had his head on Levi's leg while Levi rubbed Eren head. "Just hurry up." Levi put his other arm on the table and lad on that hand. When Eren was done with his test but he didn't want Levi to stop petting him. Eren was slowly falling
asleep and held Levi's phone close. The phone was now trend off and Eren was snoring. "Yeager."

Levi asked. He thought Eren was just taking so long but no, Eren was falling asleep. Levi moved and picked up
Eren. Levi slowly moved Eren on him laying/sitting on the chair like before. Now Eren was straddling Levi. With his hands around Levi's neck. Levi basically hugged him to play on his phone. Soon later Levi fell asleep only to have Eren wake up.

Eren eyes widened surprised he was sitting on top of Levi and its like his whole body heats up. Eren hid in Levi's neck trying not wack Levi up. Eren looked back into Levi's still closed eyes. Somehow Eren found himself looking at Levi's lip. He was right there but the bell went off. Levi woke up to a straddled Eren. Eren was about to fall over only to have Levi catch him "than-" before Eren could finish thanking Levi, both off them had came to a surprise.

Both levi and Eren did want it but. They didn't want to ruin their, not so, friendship they had. Eren couldn't conflict with his feelings so he just kissed him more. Levi felt Eren deepened the kiss so he also
kissed back. The bell rang again telling everyone their late and they pulled back.
"Uh- hi" Eren said really nervous to what just happened.

"Hi.." Levi's spoke up. Levi laughed pulled Eren in. "You're a good kisser." Eren squeaked and went back to hide in Levi's neck. "I love you brat." Levi hugged Eren. "I I-love you too Levi." Eren smiled and hugged him tighter.

Eren dose speak German!

Eren: well that was fun
Levi: shut up.
Eren: no you shut up you Schöner liebevoller herzloser Mann! ( Beautiful loving heartless man!)
Levi: what?
Words: 1044

Hey everyone!
I'm baaaaccckk.
I know y'all hate it now but 😁..
I write in my book and then on this phone so I could do this so I'm happy if someone actually read this. It did take a long time even though I dosen't look like it.
I hope you enjoyed from the Time I took to make this.
Have a good day guys bye, for now!

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