In the car

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POV] Eren

"Levi! Levi! Levi! Levi, levi!"

I screamed as i try to get his attention from the buses. "Brat? What did i say about talking to me at school." I just looked up at
the sky then back to levi. "Not too?" Levi just rolled his eyes and stepped away from me.

"Not too, now leave." Now it was my tern to roll my eyes. "No, my mom said you have to come with me this time, now stop resisting!" Me and Levi live together and my mom decided to live with us. Me and Levi aren't friends as he
says but to me we are. That would means we're friends with benefits but to him were nothing but sex toys to each other. "Fine!" He started walking with me but i
still dragged him with me.

"Get in." I told him. My mom never rally told him to come with me i just hate waiting for him at the house and scenic my mom gets off early now we don't get time to fuck anymore. I drove for at least two minutes and i already want to touch him, i want to feel him touch me. I slowly put my
hand on Levi's thigh and rub it. "Oh, is this why I'm here. So you can touch me, so i can fuck you now" His voice make me whimper and almost want to not look
at the road.

"Y-yes Levi, please let me touch you." Levi grabbed my hand and throw it back at me. "Not in till we get home baby boy." I wanted to speed throw traffic but if i did and get pulled over it would only last longer. I keep whimpering just to get levi hard and every time i did i can see him getting hard. "Levi, please! I need you to use me. I don't care how just use me any way you want!"

I turned into a empty parking lot that shop was being shut down. I parked and made Levi look at me. "Levi, ah please, touch me." i looked down at his lips and he did the same with me. "Get in the back Yeager, I'm going to destroy you. I hoped in the back giving Levi a view of my ass in the prosses. He went with me after and pushed my face to the seat. "Look at that. Your losing your dignity just to have a dick in you. How do you feel about that Eren?"

I move my hips as they were so close to Levi's crotch. "I only want to loss my dignity to you Levi. Your dick is the only one that can please me! Please me-ah-Levi." I can tell this made Levi satisfy but all he feels is anger, at least it fells like it, in any situation.

He moves his hands to my ass and smacks it hard. If the clothing wasn't on that would have left a hand print. "I'm not going to heart you Eren, nut i am going to
use you, harder then i have before." I look up at him as he finally let me move my head. He pulls my pants down and that made me want to moan as the cold air surrounded all of my downer parts.

"Look at that Eren, such a slut." His voice made me shiver as i release a quiet moan that i know Levi could hear. "Your my slut, right Eren?" I shack my head yes but that was not good enough for Levi. He smacked my as again making me shot up and a shiver go down my body. "Yes i am, Levi I'm your slut." He played with my ass as after six more minutes he
finally put his fingers in me.

"Ah- Levi please i-I'm oh~ ah~ I'm ready!" Levi smirked. He flipped me over while his hand left from inside me. "Did your mom
really tell you to get me or did you want me to fuck you fast, hard, and dry?" I can feel the blush on my face spread to the rest of my body. "Talk and tell the truth, you know how i feel about liars." I nodded yes and speak the truth. "Yes Levi i just wanted you! Please do it! Stick it in!" I yell wanting more of levi then just a hand job.

"Scenes you where so honest now and told me the truth, ill do it." His smirk only grows bigger as did me wanting him. He just sticks the tip in. No condomes, no lube, no warning, and no mursy. "L-levi more!" I lay on my back and have him go in deeper till he's balls deep before he starts to thrust.

It hurts and is vey painful but there was more pleaser then pain. "Oh Eren, so tight." With all the commission i didn't relies the feeling i had of me about to
cum. I cam at the hardness of Levi's thrust but levi didnt stop he keep going till he cam to, and he cam inside me, making me scream his name even more.

"We should do this more often." I say "only in secret don't get me from my bus again." I just shrugged and layed on the seat as levi laid on top of me.

Words: 940
Sorry it's been this long and everything I just have school and yeah.. I may not post again in another week or two so hope you have a good rest of your day.

By my little shipit's

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