The new neighbor

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POV- no one
Eren was only minding his own business taking his time to get home where he
was lonely. Eren dose like the silents but he wants someone who will be right
next to him.

Levi was having a bad day from the binging. First, he found out he ran out of
his favorite tea, second, at least three of his moving boxes broke on him, third,
his house was dirty in his eyes, and forth, he had too keep his boxes outside his
new house because of its dirtiness.
Eren looked over At the place right next to his too see boxes in front of it. He
was confused and started thinking whether he should ask to help or just leave
the new person be. Eren has decided to make his new neighbor tea and a

Levi has been at it all day with no break. It was one o'clock p.m and he only
had water for the day. Once he had finally finished cleaning Levi heard the
doorbell ring. "Who the fuck would be here." Levi whispered to himself and
walked to his door.

He had opened his door to see a German, tall, handsome, guy. Levi had
moved on from his teen thoughts (he's not a teen.) and glared at the brown
haired boy. "What do you need." Levi talkies to the boy like he didn't want to see
him, which levi did not. "I live right next door and i wanted to give you snacks
and tea.

Eren showed a box of a snack and a tea box. The tea Eren showed was. Levis
favorite that he preferred to drink. The food looked like something Levi would
make for himself. Levi thought to himself and let the green eyed boy in.

"Thanks!" Levi didn't want him to hear but he had everything he liked. " just put everything in the kitchen." Levi closed the door and followed Eren
inside his own house.

"wow, its clean." Levi heard the brat talk. " is this whyeverything's outside?" Eren sat everything down on the counter to look at thecute raven haired boy.

" yeah it was dirty in here." Levi said.
Eren opened the food box and slid it ti Levi.

"Well i have to go but welcome to
the Neighborhood!" Eren waved to Levi bye and left. Levi looked at the food
Eren brought and glared at it. "Whatever brat." Levi ate the food and finally ate
that day. After some tea Levi went back to cleaning, which was just putting the
boxes inside and put everything in place.
Eren had left his house to go see his sister, Mikasa, but now coming home he
sees Levi having Trouble with a box. To levi this was now the fifth box that
broke. "Here let me help!" Eren yells over to Levi, grabbing the windex that had
fell out.

Eren grabbed more stuff, thanks to the arm different, and then went inside
with all the extra cleaning supplies. "Thanks-uh" Levi found out he didn't know
erens name.

"Eren, Eren eager." The boy named Eren stuck his hand out to Levi.
"Levi. Levi Ackerman." He shock his hand.
"Well nice to meet you cutie." Eren gave levi a big smile shacking the others
hand. Levi blushed at the nickname and just shock his hand. "Well it was fun to
help." Levi felt himself closer to eren with each of Erens words. "I think we make
a good team. I guess l'Il see you later"

Levi stoped moving when he was close enough to lay on the other person.
"Yeah, see yo-you." Levi stuttered which made Eren happy he could do that to
the raven haired boy. Eren moved some of Levi's hair that was in front of his

" good. Bye cutie." Eren. Moved away from Levi and left the house to his

Levi stood there in a stun and layed on the kitchen counter right next to him.
Eren, on the other hand, felt like he did something he'd never do, which he
didn't. What he never did was flirt or even be that confident. Levi wanted eren to
Levi but at the same time wanted Eren all over him.

Levi moved here because he wanted a fresh start to love. He never loved
someone so he didn't know what it felt like but, right now he felt like he never did
with anyone else. For only a second he thought he had a crush on Eren but it
could just be the new environment. Levi was trying to be blind to his new
emotions but wouldn't work for long.
After a little while levi moved from the counter, simping, and put away the
extra cleaning supplies in the kitchen. He was tired and was only kinda hoping
to see Eren in the morning.

In the morning Levi was awake by constant knocking on his front door. "Who
the fuck is it." Levi mumbled out wishing he could sleep longer. What maniac
wakes up at four-thirty." what do you wan- Eren, hello." Levi opened the door
and spoke surprised. "Levi can i come in?" Eren ask blocking the view of what's
behind him. "Sure." Levi moved over but Eren didn't come in yet. He looked over
his shoulder.

Erens friends were behind him telling him they would watch from Levi's
stupidly open window. Eren finally went inside closing the front door behind him.
Levi told Eren to sit on the couch which is surprisingly in front of the dumb
window. Eren was dared to kiss Levi, like on the lips. At first Eren was scared but
being with Levi gave him confidence.
"Okay what's wrong." Levi came in with
two cups of tea.

"Uh, i just needed Company." Eren said when Levi sat right next to him. ' sit
on my lap how about! Eren thought to himself. Levi pleased the cups on the
table and sat back. Eren moved his hand to Levi's leg. Levi gave a small
gasped. Looking at Erens hand on his knee. Levi didn't want to look at Eren,
only his hand, and felt warm. His pants becoming uncomfortable by the second.
Eren can see that and moves his hand up more closer to Levi's hared on. Levi
finally looks up to Eren to have Eren already looking at him.

" hey cutie." Eren whispers making Levi more red then he already was. Levi could tell Eren was moving closer, he was fully prepared for it, but what happened also shocked Levi. Eren kissed him and he loved it. Eren then moved his hand up slowly coresed Levi's dick.

Levi gasped giving Eren room to put his toung in Levi's mouth and explore.

Words: 1,159
This is a cliffhanger!
If you want a part two just ask but if not say nothing.
I was doing this during school so I hope 🤞 you like.
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