'No Name'-levi

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POV- Eren.

Eren has liked this one person for a long time. He was his favorite dancer he could have ever see. His personality was mean and he loved that about him. He liked tea but not the drama tip.

He held his cup weird but it only made Eren want to know more about this masked person.

Eren will always think of his favorite dancer as one of the strongest person ever. Eren's favorite dancer being 'No Name'. Eren wanted to see his face.

Eren wished he can see him like face to face. 'No Name' use to sing but all of a sudden became a dancer.

Eren also likes his music. The way 'No Name's' voice would go through his ear or touch his heart. Eren felt like he would be concerned to him on a personal level.

Eren wish was to see him or to be with him without even know at least, but Eren always knew that life wasn't like that.

Now here he is talking to his best friend of 7 years that he was also in love with. Levi ackerman!

"What's with you and 'No Name' dose he even know you?" He asked. Levi always act jealous when I talk about 'No Name' and it's funny because it gives me a chance to actually think he likes me.

"No he doesn't but one day I hope he does." I say and get up from Levi's couch. I walk to the kitchen like I own the place, from how many times I've been here, and get more water from the fridge.

"Well what if I tell you l know him?" He says and plays with his hands. "Wait wait do you!?" I ask as I put everything down and go to levi. "Well what if I at least get him to sine something for you."

He whispers it like he was embarrassed.

I sit back down and stared at him with a surprise expression. "I-I would kiss y-I mean- like-like- you know what I mean!" I hid in my hands as I relized what I had just said.

Levi laughs like he didn't want to be heard. "I'll get you one okay?" He touched my leg.

I nod as I blush from his touch. The spot he touched grow hotter from the longer his hand was there. I smile at him from what he said. I put my hand on his as I smile. "Thank you Levi!" I said and hugged him tightly.


I was in my house with a shock look on my face. He was standing in my door way. 'No Name' was right there. Levi said he would sine something for me but come to my house!

"Are you going to let me in." He asked with the only side of his face that shows I can see his eyebrows raise. "uh y-yeah come-come in." I move out of the way so he can come in. "Thanks brat." He said as he walked in my house.


"Uh my-my friend also calls me that." Why am I being stupid. "Your friend huh." He said. I nod as he walks around. I like his raven black hair kinda just like Levi. His gray eyes with a tint of light blue kinda just like Levi?

His hight was short but a little taller then Levi, that's one different. His voice was smooth but ruff just like Levi.

He was kinda all just like Levi. He couldn't be Levi though. 'No Name' was taller. " so what do you want me to do." He said snapping me out of my thoughts. "Uh-um want what now." I asked.

"Well your friend, Levi? Asked me if I can do one favor for you." He said and I wanted to kiss Levi more then I already do! "Anything you say?" I said as he sat on my couch. "Okay now not anything. Just ask and I'll ether do it or not." He said and I walked to him sitting right next to him.

I look him straight in the eyes. "Will-will you kiss me?" I move my body towards him. His face terns hot and red. He looked at me straight in my eyes as I did him and moved closer. I look at his lips the closer we get. 'Lips just like Levis...' I thought to myself as we almost kissed.

We pull each other closer as our lips move in perfect harmony. He was perfect. 'Just like Levi.' I said in my head. We pull apart and I can still see everything in him is just like Levi. I put my hand on his bandages that's like his mask. "Levi?" I ask only to see 'No Names' eyes widened.

I grab his bandages and undo them slowly to reveal Levi's cute but hot face. I smile. "I'm glad it's you." I say as he then smiled to, which is vary rare. " I'm glad your glad." He put his hand on my face only for us to kiss again.

Words: 926

I think this is way different then what I did for the other. I did this with no idea in my head so I hop it's good and you enjoyed.

You can give me some requests and I'll try my best to look at them, sorry if I don't!

I'll publish another very soon because this is short!

This story was hard to make so leave a !!! Vote !!!

Bye my little shipit's

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