Best friends

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POV) Eren jeager

Levi Ackerman is my best friend for 6 years and half of that i loved him more then friends. I always tell him i love him but saying 'I love you' could also be in a friend
way. To guys its weird to say i love you to them but me and Levi always say it. Our
friends say we look like a couple but i feel like he doesn't see it. And let me tell you
something. I do all this on purpose. I fall on him, I hold his hand, i sit to close to him,
ilean on him, i even said i love you first! I don't know how he doesn't see it but I'm
trying to get him to love me like its his idea.

Me and my friends are at my house just
having a normal sleep over. Armin, Annie, jean, and Erwin are in the guest room.
Milkasa, Connie, Sasha, mike, Petra, and hanj are in the living room. Me and Levi are
in my room. This is the normal rout when we sleep and as far as i know only i was
awake. I finally sat up done with the thoughts that are in my head. I look down at Levi's face then chest and feel the thoughts going back in my head that i fucking love Levi Ackerman. My body moves without my notice and I trace Levi's chest all the way down to his pants.

I bit my lip trying not to make a sound. I turn my body around and lean down to Levi's chest. I lick his caller bone down to his nipple to suck and play. Levi moves a little but didn't wake up. I move down and get the blanket to go over me. I slowly move his pants down and my eyes widen at him not wearing underwear. 'He's so big and long and oh.' I pull Levi's pants down all the way and sit in between his legs. I play with him moving my hand up and down his shift, feeling him go hard i see his boner.

'Ah please fuck me.....' ilick the head and
kiss the base. I then put him all in my mouth and go up and down again and again. I feel levi move again so i stop moving. He stoped moving and had no sign of him being awake so i continue to suck him as i finger myself with my own saliva. I feel Levi stiff more then he already so i pull back. I crawled on top of him and hover over him. I pushed the tip up agents me and moan quietly. I Slowly push down on him and feel him enter me. I tighten my grip on the sheets right next to Levi's head. 'So big-ah.' I feel so good and so dizzy.

My body moves on its own and i start to jump feeling him in me. I start to let out moans but still keep quiet. 'I'm going- I'm gonna c- ah!' I soon cam all over him and he cam inside of me. I lay down on him and close my eyes. 'That was fu-oh what the hell did i do!' I shot up and look at what i did. He's very hot and sexy and cute and adorable. I got up and went to the bathroom. I grabbed everything i needed to clean us up and did that. It was now two in the morning so instead of doing more or waking levi up i got Levi clothed and sleep right on top of him.

In the morning i woke up to an empty bed and everything felt normal. I then relies
that I basically raped my best friend! Wait not basically, I DID! I feel the tears come my face as i hated that i had to do that to someone, especially Levi... "hey brat,
what's wrong." A very striped voice said. Levi was standing at the frame of my door.
"Nothing... nothing' I whispered then spoke a little louder the second time.
"You're a shitty liar." He comes closer to me and plays with my hair. "Fine...
" i pull him baring my face in his stomach. "I did something bad, I'm a bad person." He made me look up to him and he had a concern look on his face. Knowing Levi for as long as i have that's rare.

"Eren you are not a bad person. I think i know what's bothering you." I
stiff. What if he dose know? Why isn't he yelling? Why isn't he calling the cops? Why isn't he at least hitting me? He slowly been down and brought me closer to him. he then kissed me which made me shocked. I then kiss him back still crying from what happened now and last night. "I was awake Eren, " He lets go of me and i was shocked of what's happening.
"'And i loved it." I then hugged him again which made him hug me too.
"I love you Levi ... please never leave me.." He just chuckled and said
"of course i wont."

I'm back again!
Hope you have a good rest of you time on earth!
Words: 882

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