Late night snack

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POV] no one

Eren woke up and checked the outdoors from the time. He really didn't know but what he did know was that its to early to be up. Eren moves off the bed and put on his light green shirt pulling the necklace from under the shirt.

'I'm kinda hungry. Eren thought to himself as he moves himself from the bars that hanji forgot to lock. He felt lucky that Levi wasn't the one to put him in his room this
time. Ere moves up the stairs slowly because of the uncomfortableness state of someone not being with him. Usually someone will get him and walk up with him, even Levi would wait for him, He was surprised that even the door was still open and not locked.

Eren relies that he would have to remind hanji of that next
time she has to put him in his room. Eren was half way to the eating area when he heard a small sound from a far. He froze and stoped. "Hello?" That's when
he know he made a very stupid mistake. If someone was there then he just made himself known to that person.

Eren knew he was very defenseless but him
being a stupid little brat, like Levi always called him, he just did the thing that can get him killed. Eren walked closer to the noise thinking he was going away from it. When he finally relies he was right next to the noise he froze again and tern to see the great hall door open.

He looked to see if anyone was in the room but he also didn't go in. He looked at the room only checking with his eyes. He was ready to leave and never come back in till his captain was to get him. "What are you doing here brat?" Eren knew that voice, his captain's voice, he slowly walked in to see Levi in one of the farther away tables he couldn't see for
it was in the dark.

"Well um i got a little hungry?" Levi put a tea cup down and
eren was slowly walking to him. "How the fuck did you get out?" Levi looked at the brunette that was now sitting on the other side of the table. "hanji forgot to
look both doors.....again..." eren can here levi mumble under his breath but really payed no attention to it. "Well lets go, you get something to eat so i can put you back."

Eren just nodded and did as told. Eren knew what he was doing or what he felt like he was doing.

He was being a dog and he had no problems with it. He liked doing what he dose for Levi and never wanted Levi to hate him for it. Eren knows what's he wants, to be Levi's dog.

They both walk back to erens room with out a problem of any kind and sat on erens bed. "Thanks for letting me eat
captain." Levi just sat there and nodded his head.

"It's nothing brat." Eren
smiled brightly and put his hand next to him. He felt Levi's hand but never moved his hand off. Levi didn't say anything but he did look at their hand. "Brat." Eren then looked at levi, ready for a punch in the face, but he was meet with a kiss.

Erens eyes widen but slowly went down till they closed. The kiss
slowly went to make out. Levi tongue roamed erens mouth forcefully. "Ca- captain." Eren said without even meaning to say anything. Eren, laying down,
wrapped his legs around levi, who was right on top of him, kissing every part of neck.

"Caption please-" eren then wrapped his hands around Levi's head holding him there. "I'm going to fuck you eren." That made eren moan and with
that you can't even image what their doing.

Why am I off my game this week. This is only 709 words and it makes me feel bad! Sorry for this bad chapter I hope you don't hate it. If you want a smutty part two you can ask but if not don't expect a part two...
Thanks for watching/reading, something. Bye my little shipit's.

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