Chapter 17

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Chapter 17 Look at the Eyes [Three Changes in One] (1)

    Na Xin was stunned for a while, he swears, it will take a while...

    and then in the next second he heard Yao Xi's roar: "What are you doing right now!"

    Na Xin took out his phone and unlocked the screen. After that, he asked dumbly: "Do you call the ambulance first, or call your wife first?"

    Yao Xi turned his head and glanced at the computer monitor screen, and said angrily: "Call her first. , And then call someone to take me directly to the hospital. Forget it, don’t call an ambulance, and don’t waste public resources. After a while, you and my attending doctor will have the same caliber, and try to make her feel that I am very ill and cannot leave. People. Put all these things in the house away for me, don't let her find the flaws."


    Yu Wan is slowly having dinner with Ye Yilun.

    Yu Wan's performance was considered generous and decent. As for Ye Yilun, he was staring at Yu Wan the whole time.

    Yu Wan raised her head occasionally, and was able to collide with his eyes. After a few bites of trouble, Yu Wan quickly put down the knife and fork. After sighing, he smiled politely at him: "I don't know the guide. Have you told you? My husband is sick and he is quite serious. I have to take care of him from time to time. I know you are not familiar with City B. If you have any needs, you can call Buman directly. You have her phone number.

    Right ?" Ye Yilun's mouth was lightly raised when Yu Wan mentioned her husband, and he seemed unhappy. He lowered his head and cut the steak while curling his eyebrows and said, "Of course I have Buman's phone number. I had it two years ago. Have you forgotten?"

    Yu Wan's expression was indifferent: "Oh? Really? That may be really forgotten. If you have something to do, you can call Bu Man, my husband is

    inseparable ." Ye Yilun suddenly put down his knife and fork and saw Yu Wangang . Picking up the bag to leave, he grabbed Yu Wan's wrist: "It's not a real husband, why are you so serious? Besides, is there no nurse? Why do you have to take care of it yourself? Is it because he is Huazhong TV CEO, do you think you can squeeze out the surplus value from him?”

    Originally, Yu Wan planned to live in harmony with him, but when he heard this, Yu Wan immediately changed his face.

    When she was about to shake her hand and leave, Ye Yilun hurriedly got up and stopped in front of her: "Don't, don't be angry, why is your temper still so big?"

    Yu Wan took a deep breath, thinking that this was the person Hua Zhiwen had invited. , She can only try to maintain a good temper and speak to him: “I don’t have to meet the two of us before joining the group. I’m also busy here, and you’re fine. If there’s a work problem. Ask, let’s talk about everything after entering the group.”

    Ye Yilun stood in front of her, and still didn’t plan to let her go. He hung his head and said in a low voice, “Sorry, I shouldn’t be sarcasm like that. . Actually, I don’t think like this in my heart. After I heard about you, I felt sorry for you. I rushed back from abroad without stopping. But you know, I’m just wrong. Don’t you Angry at me."

    Yu Wan smiled, she raised her head, and said word by word: "It's like this, first of all, you don't have to feel sorry for me, I don't think what happened to me, Qiu Yifeng did escape from marriage, but I think, I didn’t have much to lose. On the contrary, this kind of scumbag finally left me. Second, I was indeed a little angry. I think the relationship between the two of us is not enough to make this kind of joke. Your apology, I Accepted. Finally, I still want to say that I am a married woman and cannot accept any of your wishes. Ordinary friends are fine, but the others are fine."

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