Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

    Yu Guan hurriedly pulled him back: "Don't get excited, I mean the two of us can't have children!"

    How could Yao Xi not be excited, he immediately retorted: "Why can't we two have children?"

    Yu Guan felt She couldn't make sense with Yao Xi, she wanted to refute, do you think it's normal for our marriage?

    But Boman's advice was still in his ears, he was sick, he couldn't see, don't irritate him.

    "Okay, okay, let's not discuss this issue, let's go to bed first." Yu Guan had to change the subject.

    Yao Xi wanted to rely on his own logic to get around Yu Guan, but who knew that Yu Guan would not mention this at all.

    Yao Xi was suffocating in bed for a long time, then turned around and asked in a low voice, "Wife, are you asleep?"

    Yu Wan's voice was slack: "Not yet."

    "Wife, did you never plan to have sex with me? The truth of husband and wife. Are you taking care of me now because you pity me? You don't want to live with me at all, and you don't want to have children with me, do you?"

    Yu Wan didn't give an answer to Yao Xi's question for a long time.

    Yao Xi simply sighed: "Forget it, if you really don't want to answer, don't answer, just go to sleep."

    To be honest, it is a lie that Yao Xi is not disappointed with Yu Wan's appearance.

    Every day he wants to make a real husband and wife with Yu Wan, and he also really wants to have a child with Yu Guan.

    Want one for their child!

    Although the idea of ​​having children is not new, but Yao Xi read it online and said that if the husband and wife have children, their relationship will go further.

    Yao Xi is always worried that if he is not blind one day, Yu Guan will leave her immediately.

    Na Xin was very naive to tell Yao Xi that day, asking Yao Xi to tell the truth to his wife.

    Because Na Xin felt that if Yao Xi really regarded Yu Wan as a family member, he should treat each other frankly.

    But Yao Xi didn't think so. Since he was deceived from the beginning, he might as well just keep deceiving him. Besides, because of his blindness, Yu Wan was meticulous towards him.

    He enjoyed it so much!

    Many times, if he hadn't pretended to be mad and begged, how would Yu Guan care about him?

    Blindness is the best umbrella!

    Moreover, Yao Xi has a big plan, he must recover very naturally, not let Yu Guan see the slightest flaw.

    Otherwise, as the new said, it will be a time bomb sooner or later!

    Just when Yao Xi thought that Yu Guan would not answer, Yu Guan suddenly stretched out his arms and hugged him tightly, and asked softly, "Yao Xi, I think there is a lack of candor between us."

    Yao Xi was stunned, he thought to himself , She knows everything about me pretending to be blind?

    And Yu Guan was also stunned for a moment, because after she said this, she felt Yao Xi was in her arms and seemed to be shivering.

    "Wife, I... What else am I not being honest with you?" When Yao Xi said this, he was a little embarrassed.

    Yu Guan also sighed and spoke candidly to Yao Xi: "I have always been a simple person, and I don't like to go around in circles. You are different. You have a lot of heart and people are smarter than me."

Dressed as a blind villain, his ex-wife [穿書] MtlWhere stories live. Discover now