Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

    Jiang Yuying's face turned pale, she didn't expect Ye Yilun to be so amazing.

    "Mr. Ye, I asked myself that I didn't offend you anywhere. Why are you driving me to a dead end?"

    Ye Yilun sneered helplessly: "I also feel a little inexplicable, I am here to ask Qiu Yifeng for money, from beginning to end. , did I take a look at you? What did you want to do when you rushed out to stop it? It is only natural to pay your debts. Why, you have been acting as a mistress for a long time. Don't you understand?"

    Jiang Yuying's face was extremely bad, although she grew up in poor family conditions, but no one had ever humiliated her face to face.

    Yao Xi didn't say anything, it was the first time he looked directly at Ye Yilun.

    Unexpectedly, the mouth is poisonous, it is also very interesting!

    Ye Yilun also noticed Yao Xi's inquiring eyes. He hadn't figured out what Yao Xi's eyes meant for the time being, so he had to take the opportunity to glare at Yao Xi.

    Yao Xi's mouth twitched slightly, and he turned his head and asked Qiu Yifeng, "Aren't you going to repay this money? That's not possible. It's written in black and white on the IOU. Besides, your house has increased a lot. From Yu Wan's hand, you won't pay it back. Did you make any money?"

    In front of Yao Xi, Qiu Yifeng felt shameless, and he whispered, "It was indeed sold for more than 10 million, but brother, we have changed to a new place, we need to settle down, and we have to give Yu Yu. Look at your face. Money is needed everywhere."     Yao Xi's face changed slightly, and his tone became cold: "Yes, I can understand how difficult it is for you. But there is no need to use the money from your ex-girlfriend to treat your current girlfriend. You've already been sorry for Yu Guan, but if you do this again, you're not a human being."     Jiang Yuying didn't expect Yao Xi to be doing a disservice to him. Hearing what he said about Qiu Yifeng, Jiang Yuying directly retorted: "Yao Xi is here to help. Xi, you are Yifeng's good brother. He called you here because he asked for your help. He didn't ask you to come over and say nasty things!"     Although Yao Xi and Qiu Yifeng were superficial brothers, he was always polite to him.     He thought to himself that what he said just now was not too serious.

    Furthermore, Yao Xi never liked Jiang Yuying this woman, and when he first saw her in the early years, he didn't give her a good face.

    So at this moment, Yao Xi made no secret of his sarcasm, and he greeted Jiang Yu: "Cool words? What did I say wrong? If Qiu Yifeng really wants to be my brother, then It's better to do some personnel work!"

    "And you, if I didn't see you as Qiu Yifeng's girlfriend, do you think I'd like to see you more? I want to explain to you in detail, you are blown away in Wen Hualun. What kind of pillow wind is it?"     "Wen Hualun is about to be sacked now, thinking that you were abandoned by him, I didn't take anger on you, and I already gave my brother a lot of face. So I suggest that you say a few words in front of me. I His temper is not as good as it looks on the surface!"     Jiang Yuying's face turned pale, and he directly tightened Qiu Yifeng's wrist and turned to him for help.     Qiu Yifeng was not so hopeless. He tugged Yao Xi's wrist and whispered, "Brother, don't be angry. I will return the money. I'm not so shameless..."     Ye Yilun was in He sneered coldly from the side: "You still have some self-knowledge."     When Qiu Yifeng was about to open the online bank transfer, Jiang Yuying grabbed him, with a hint of prayer in his eyes: "Yifeng, you promised me at the beginning, you Said that the money has other uses."     Qiu Yifeng persuaded in a low voice: "But this money is not ours in the first place!"     Jiang Yuying grabbed his arm tightly, still a little unwilling.     On the other hand, Ye Yilun said venomously, "It's the first time I've seen such a shameless woman like Miss Jiang."     Jiang Yuying glared at Ye Yilun fiercely, with a sharp tone: "What does it have to do with you? You're just a poor bastard who can't ask for anything. You are so dedicated to Yu Wan, and she is grateful to you? In her eyes, you are not even a dog!"     Ye Yilun's eyes narrowed slightly . , the thugs behind Ye Yilun stepped forward and kicked Jiang Yuying!

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