Chapter 47

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Chapter 47 Satisfaction

    Yu Guan's face was flushed with shame, she lowered her head, and after a while, she whispered, "Well... I'm naturally speaking..."

    Yao Xi hugged her excitedly, he strangled her tightly, Yu Wan was almost out of breath.

    Yu Guan coughed lightly and pushed him with a frown, before he wondered, "But can it be another day? I'm really tired today. After filming for a day, I've been arguing with Ye Yilun, Yang Han and the others until now. I don't feel like my feet are my own anymore, I don't want to move at all!"

    Yao Xi had been looking forward to it for a long time, how could he just let her go, his eyes seemed to be bright, and he pushed Yu Guan down with a full smile. Man said: "Wife, don't worry, you don't need to move!"

    After saying this, Yao Xi seemed to be afraid that Yu Guan would say something to refuse, so he directly reached out and pulled the shoulder strap of Wish.

    Yu Guan's body was itchy when he grabbed him, he directly clamped his hand, and smiled helplessly: "You were given birth by a starving ghost? Why are you so anxious?"

    Yao Xi pouted: "Wife, I have already It's been hard to endure. I have to hold you to sleep every day, and I have to endure it every day, you don't understand that feeling, you can't sleep well, it's uncomfortable and crazy."

    Yu Guan pushed him out, a little tired. "Then I'll have to wait until I take a shower."

    Yao Xi smiled: "You're tired too, I'll help you into the bathroom, I'll do all the work that requires strength!"

    Yu Guan's cheeks were flushed to the bottom of his ears. When she was about to go down to the ground, she said weakly, "No, it's too embarrassing."

    Yao Xi seemed to have played the shameless to the extreme tonight, he smiled happily: "It's okay, you are used to it. It 's fine."

    After saying that, Yao Xi hugged Yu Guan and ran straight to the bathroom...


    Guan didn't finally close her eyes until 3:30 in the morning, and she was so tired that her whole body was in pain. , foot pain, leg pain, back pain, arm pain...

    and sore throat.

    The most terrifying thing is that when he is awake, he is just like this. When he fell asleep, Yu Wan repeated in his dream what he did when he was awake.

    When she opened her eyes in a daze, she realized in a trance that this dream was too real, it was not a dream at all!

    Yao Xi didn't seem to know that he was tired either. Seeing Yu Guan woke up, he pinned her head on the pillow with both elbows, and said with a smile, "Morning, wife."

    Yu Wan was too tired to talk, if it wasn't for the alarm clock , Yao Xi doesn't seem to want to go down yet.

    Yu Wan was helpless, so he stretched out his leg and kicked him.

    Yao Xi was in pain, and finally had to smile and said, "Wife, you can't treat me like this!"

    Yu Guan rolled his eyes at him and said helplessly, "I have to pack up and go to film, so I can't delay work!"

    Yao Xi pursed her lower lip . , I wanted to continue sticking to Yu Wan, but in the end, Yu Wan's sharp eyes glared back.

    After Yu Wan washed up, most of his mind was clear.

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