Chapter 42

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Chapter 42

    After Yao Xi said this, he hurriedly hung up the phone, not giving Qiu Yifeng a chance to explain.After Jiang Yuying saw Qiu Yifeng hung up the phone, he hurriedly greeted him and asked in a low voice, "What did Yao Xi say? Will he come to help us?"

"He will come, but he seems to have misunderstood what I meant."

    Jiang Yuying was a little anxious, and asked Qiu Yifeng's sleeve: "So, what did he say, you tell me? ."

    Qiu Yifeng's face was a little bad, so he simply explained to Jiang Yuying what he just said, and sighed: "So now, Yao Xi said, he will come with an IOU!"

    Jiang Yuying was wearing a mask . , In order to prevent anyone from recognizing her, Qiu Yifeng wrapped a layer of gauze on the outside of the mask.

    She was already short of breath, but after listening to Qiu Yifeng's words, she almost suffocated on the spot!

    "What's the matter with you? When you were talking on the phone just now, I wanted to stop you. Isn't Yao Xi your good brother? What are you doing now, won't you tell him the truth? How can you do it? Is it like this?"

    Qiu Yifeng didn't dare to speak up when he saw Ye Yilun waiting opposite, so he had to argue with Jiang Yuying with a blushing face: "Is this my fault? Yao Xi didn't give me a chance to explain, I Before he could finish speaking, he hung up the phone."

    Jiang Yuying frowned and asked, "His relationship with Yu Guan is so good? Will Yu Guan give him the IOU?

    " With a sigh, he nodded and said, "You are right. Maybe Yao Xi can't get the IOU. In that case, we have an excuse not to pay back the money. As long as we can leave today, we can say anything."

    Jiang Yuying also nodded. She nodded, but she was still beating drums in her heart.

    She needed the money so badly that she went to a new city where they had to settle down, buy a house, buy things, and treat her face. Without the money, she couldn't imagine how hard her life would be.

    Is it possible that she still has to go to work?

    She has also acted as the female villain in several star dramas. Originally, the audience who was too involved in the drama called her a bad woman, but now everyone knows about the mistress. Mo said it was impossible for her to go to work, and she didn't know what else she could do besides acting. Even if she finds a job, her employer will recognize her sooner or later.

    She can't afford to lose this person!

    Jiang Yuying suddenly hated, hated everyone, hated Wen Hualun, and hated Mrs. Wen who ruined her face.

    She even hated Ye Yilun and Yu Wan!

    She obviously planned to leave, but these people still refused to let her go.

    Ye Yilun looked at them very patiently, the two people whose expressions changed very wonderfully gave Ye Yilun an indescribable sense of pleasure.

    When he heard that Qiu Yifeng was calling to call someone, he didn't plan to stop him Guoguo.

    How many pounds and how many taels Qiu Yifeng weighs, can Ye Yilun still know?

    What's more, Ye Yilun knew Qiu Yifeng's flight time this afternoon. Since Qiu Yifeng wanted to delay the time, Ye Yilun had time to spend with him.

    Qiu Yifeng was also a little nervous, he thought, wait for Yao Xi to come, and then explain the matter to Yao Xi. Maybe Yao Xi was soft-hearted, opened one eye and closed the other, and let him take the 8 million.

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