Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

    "Don't make trouble, get out now, I'm going to take a shower."

    Yu Guan pushed him, but Yao Xi Da didn't have the strength at all.

    Yao Xi held her in his arms, not willing to let go.

    He lowered his head and kissed Yu Guan's hair lightly, and when he turned to hug her, Yu Guan suddenly blocked his mouth, shook his head and said, "No, go out first, I think it's good Take a bath."

    Yao Xi pursed his lips lightly, and then sighed after a while, "Then...after taking a shower?"

    Yu Guan's face was so hot that he pushed him out of the bathroom before whispering. He said, "Wait until you defeat Wen Hualun!"

    After Yu Guan pushed him out the door, he locked the bathroom door.

    Standing at the door, Yao Xi slightly hooked the corners of his mouth and said loudly, "Then I have to hurry up, wife, you're right!"

    When Yu Guan was taking a bath in the bathtub, he carefully recalled the paragraph just now. .

    She didn't seem to be disgusted by Yao Xi's touch, and she was still looking forward to it...

    When she went out to work in the past few days, Buman often cared about the progress between her and Yao Xi.

    After taking a bath and wrapping the towel around, Yu Guan didn't rush out, but secretly sent a message to Bo Man.

    "That...just now...our Mr. Yao said...he wants to..."

    After clicking send, Yu Guan continued typing in the dialog box, trying to explain what Yao Xi wanted to do. But after only a few words were typed, Yu Wan blushed and was heartbroken, and finally all of them were deleted.

    I hope that this kind of text is sent out, and Boman can understand it.

    Of course Boman understood, and after a while, she replied to Yu Wan's message: "Ah? He finally thought about it? Where is it? You quickly agree!

    " road.

    Buman rolled his eyes over there: "I said at the time that you don't rush to get the certificate from him, but you went to the Civil Affairs Bureau with him the next day, and why didn't you feel that you were not restrained at that time? Why are you being reserved?"

    Yu Guan: "..."

    Buman: "Yu Wan, you're already 24 years old, and in a year, you'll be 25, I tell you, if this woman is over 25, then I'm starting to get old. But men are different. Your Mr. Yao is only 28. In two years, there will be thirty-one flowers. You must not hold yourself back as a 25-year-old CN!"

    Yu Guan: "… ...Sister Buman, your words are getting more and more poisonous."

    But Yu Wan thought about it, and Buman was right. In her previous life, she debuted early, and she never fell in love until she died, and she never met a man...

    Buman then persuaded her: "What a good person Mr. Yao is, such a perfect man, you can't find such a perfect man with a lantern. Here. I'm worried now, I'm worried that he won't be able to. Otherwise, why doesn't he touch you when the two of you share the same bed for so long?"

    "So, don't linger on this kind of thing, you have to try it. If Mr. Yao really fails, you can stop your losses in time."

    Yu Guan: "..."

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