Chapter 62

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Chapter 62

    Yang Han's eyes widened, and his first reaction was to push Ye Yilun away, but he didn't know why he didn't obey...

    Ye Yilun was drunk, but his hands were very strong. She broke free.

    Yang Han suddenly gave up the struggle and let Ye Yilun hold her like that and kiss her. In the end, Yang Han unexpectedly responded to him...

    ... The

    next morning, the weather was fine, and the sun shone through the gaps in the curtains. When Ye Yilun's face was on his face, he suddenly woke up.

    At that time, Yang Han was sitting by the bed quietly wearing clothes.

    And Ye Yilun didn't even notice that there was anything wrong with this scene, and he said in pieces: "Damn, how was Yao Xi last night? Did he get drunk by me? This guy is too dishonest, Did he drink less?"

    Yang Han then turned his head slowly and gave him a white look: "It's clear that you are lacking in heart. When you are drinking with others, should you first understand the strength of both parties? Mr. Yao is not happy. If you don't jump, you are amazing, you were dragged back by the three of us."

    Ye Yilun sat there with a bit of sadness and patted his legs: "Hey, when you said that when I was fighting with Qiu Yifeng, I lost because Qiu Yifeng was cheating, and now I am fighting with Yao Xi, but my skills are not as good as others. Hey! I'm convinced now that I've lost, Yu Wan is not mine, I can't force it!"

    After saying this, Ye Yilun was about to get out of bed, but found that he didn't seem to be wearing anything at all, and Yang Han... what happened to

    Yang Han? at his house?

    Ye Yilun's reflex arc was a bit long. When he hurriedly covered the quilt, Yang Han had already put on all his clothes and was ready to go out.

    " wait a minute!" Ye Yilun stopped her.

    Yang Han didn't seem to be looking very well. She turned her head slowly and said impatiently, "What else is there to order? Young master Ye?"

    " last night..." Ye Yilun suddenly stuttered nervously. stand up.

    He did have a dream last night, dreaming of a warm spring night with the beauty of Moonlight Lake.

    Although he had dreamed about Yu Wan before, the dream last night seemed more real. And the person in the dream is Yang Han!

    But now it seems that this is not a dream...

    Ye Yilun hammered the hammer, and now he has an idea in his mind, shouldn't he take advantage of Yang Han?

    God, this is his first time! Why no impression?

    Yang Han ignored him and did not have the lines that Ye Yilun expected, so he turned and left without leaving a word for Ye Yilun.

    The line that Ye Yilun expected was that Yang Han turned his head to him and said, "Don't worry, we didn't do anything!"

    But no, nothing, without this line, even Yang Han's attitude towards him was cold. Not a lot.

    When Ye Yilun finished breakfast in a trance, he first received a WeChat letter from Yang Han, she said, "If you dare to tell what happened last night, you will die!"

    Ye Yilun wanted to give her an "oh" back, but he felt that his feelings were not strong enough, and he seemed a little perfunctory.

    I want to give her an emoji package of "ummm.jpg", but it doesn't seem to be very good.

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