Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

    Although Ye Yilun hoped that Yu Wan's husband would disappear quickly, he also asked about Yao Xi's situation through many people.

    The conclusion is that if you can't die, it just hurts a little bit and toss people.

    Especially now that he is still blind, he needs more care.

    In this way, Yu Wan's kind temperament must be taken care of for a long time.

    Ye Yilun thought about it, and finally came up with such a way. He asked someone to help Yu Wan's husband to heal his eyes, and let Yao Xi heal soon. In this way, Yu Wan can spare time and don't have to be so busy.

    When she is free, Ye Yilun will have the opportunity to find her out on a date alone.

    But, Ye Yilun word went out, Yao Xi there will subconsciously pulled the sheets tight, he even took advantage of other people do not pay attention when it rushed to send a new message, only one word: "Urgent!"

    Yu Wan is cautious, she didn't directly accept Ye Yilun's kindness.

    Because it was written in the plot in the original book, after Yao Xi went blind in the accident, he found several experts to treat his eyes together. In fact, he himself was more concerned than anyone else.

    So at the moment, what Yao Xi needs is not an expert. He has to observe for a period of time. After all, he still has blood clots in his head.

    Before Ye Yilun and Yao Xi, they didn't know each other. It must be because of Yu Wan that he suddenly became so concerned.

    Yu Wan understood this in his heart, so she had to tactfully refuse: "That's it, I didn't mean to offend, but now my husband is not only an eye problem, he still has a head injury, and needs to be observed."

    Hearing Yu When Wan said that, Yao Xi silently breathed a sigh of relief.

    Ye Yilun paused, and then smiled: "It's okay, I also know a brain expert. I came here today to see the situation. After all, many people work hard to find the crux, so that your husband can get better as soon as possible."

    Ye Yilun looked very sincere, thinking about Yao Xi in all aspects. However, at this moment, Yao Xi was scolding his mother in his heart, and he even felt that for a while, maybe this Ye Yilun was pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, deliberately insulting him.     While Yu Wan was still in doubt, Qiu Yifeng directly stunned Ye Yilun: "Come on, you don’t think about Yu Wan for a day or two. I don’t believe it at all, you will be kind to him. My husband. Besides, is there no doctor in the hospital? Is there no expert around Yao Xi? Bring an expert over with your shy big face? If you come here disgusting, please hurry up, you are not welcome here."     Qiu Yifenghe Ye Yilun's enmity was settled a year and a half ago. At that time, Ye Yilun had chased Yu Wanxiao for half a year but had not caught up. As a result, Qiu Yifeng used a little trick to catch up.     Ye Yilun was so angry that he came to find Qiu Yifeng afterwards and asked him if he had added something to the wine?     Ye Yilun is not drunk for a thousand glasses, not to mention the cocktails, he is not afraid of drinking Moutai.     When he arrived at Qiu Yifeng's place, he poured a cup.     Not only that, but Ye Yilun also went to the hospital because of alcohol poisoning because of the glass of wine that Qiu Yifeng handed over.     At that time, Qiu Yifeng was still an amateur. Without much money, he rented a house in a non-closed community, and Ye Yilun found his address easily.     Ye Yilun came to the door with a fierce popularity, and Qiu Yifeng was terrified at the time.     He pretended to be calm, but secretly sent Yu Wan a message for help.     At that time, Ye Yilun was followed by six bodyguards, and Qiu Yifeng was alone.     Even if Ye Yilun's people didn't do anything, based on the original master Yu Wan's maintenance of Qiu Yifeng at that time, it was definitely determined that Ye Yilun came to find the fault.     Afterwards, no matter how Ye Yilun explained to Yu Wan, Yu Wan didn't want to see him again.     Ye Yilun was mad at the time. He never thought that a man could be so scheming. In that battle with Qiu Yifeng, he was directly defeated.

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