Chapter 69

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Chapter 69

    After that, Yao Xi also sent a lot of inappropriate things to the new one.

    Na Xin has no experience in love, nor any experience in that area. Yao Xi was afraid that he would not understand, so he almost rushed to teach him.

    Originally, Yao Xifa was working hard, but at this time, he suddenly received a call from Yu Guan.     Yu Guan asked angrily: "Did you fall into the toilet? I've been waiting for you outside for half an hour!"

    Yao Xi quickly apologized: "I'm sorry wife, I'm sorry, I'm constipated!"

Hang up the phone and tell him to come out quickly.

    Seeing that Yu Wan was in a hurry, Yao Xi didn't dare to talk to that Xin more, so he had to say, "My wife called me, I can't tell you, come on!"

    That Xin was over there, staring at Yao Xiyi The long string of words made me a little confused.

    Yao Xi is really thinking of him. In his impression, the chat records between him and his boss have never been so rich.

    And when Yu Wan was outside, he also told Buman a lot.

    Compared to Yao Xi's chatting with that Xin, Yu Wan and Buman's are very normal and healthy...

    Buman said that he was a little messy and didn't know how to respond to that Xin.

    Yu Wan simply said a lot of good things about Xin Xin. She felt that Xin Xin was a good man and didn't bother. Since he confessed, he should be sincere.

    It's not that Boman said in her heart that she wasn't shaken at all, she just didn't want to get into a relationship so soon.

    In the end, Boman and Yu Wan decided to take a look and observe the new performance.

    Yu Wan also believes that Boman should give Naxin this opportunity to get to know each other and see if it is really suitable.

    Yu Wan didn't tell Boman about the fact that he came to City D.

    Yu Wan felt that at such a time, Naxin and Boman should be given relative freedom and space to get along alone.

    Yu Wan didn't think about it, and didn't think about the adult side at all.

    But Yao Xi is different. He thinks a lot. He thinks that the scenery of D city is very good, with the blue sky and the sea, it is very suitable for that... or something.

    Yao Xi directly booked a hotel at a scenic spot near Boman's house. He suddenly felt that the scenery in the country was not bad, and it was the same when he brought Yu Guan to City D for a tour.

    On the other side of Xin, he was probably also stimulated by Yao Xi. His face was red and he didn't dare to look up at Boman.

    After Boman came out of the bathroom, he didn't speak.

    She just crouched down and tidied up the room.

    A few days ago, she had packed everything that belonged to Hao Yunhao and threw it to Hao Yunhao.

    At this moment, the room is still quite empty.

    Except for the bed sheets and quilts in the bedroom that she bought newly, and the furniture and appliances that she had bought before were not lost, the wardrobe and refrigerator were all empty.

    Naxin also came over and helped Boman to clean up.

    Boman didn't have much strength, and seeing the diligence of the new one, he let him go.

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