Chapter 63

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Chapter 63

    Ye Yilun was shocked for a moment, although he didn't admit it, Yao Xi had already read everything from his expression.

    Yao Xi smiled, lowered his eyes and said, "You can do it, boy, it's going very fast."

    Ye Yilun wanted to refute, but looking at Yao Xi's appearance, he seemed to have guessed everything.

    He must have expressed too hastily just now, and the question was not euphemistic enough.

    "How did you guess?" Ye Yilun said in frustration.

    Yao Xi hooked the corner of his mouth: "Not only did I see something unusual between you and Yang Han, but Yu Guan also saw it last night."

    Ye Yilun was stunned on the spot, and hurriedly waved: "No no no, before last night, I I swear I don't have any unreasonable thoughts about Yang Han. Yao Xi, you have to believe me, I know that some boundaries cannot be touched. Anyway, Li Ze likes Yang Han, and they are still together. I really drank too much last night, I don't know if Yang Han and I have... Anyway, when I woke up, she sat in my bedroom and dressed..."

    Yao Xi squinted and smiled, but it was rare and eager to ask him: " What do you want to drink?"

    Ye Yilun looked a little dejected: "Boiled water is fine."

    When Yao Xi was about to pour him a cup of boiled water himself, Ye Yilun said again, "It's coffee, I want to refresh myself."

    Yao Xi thought After thinking about it, he finally called the secretary and cooked a cup for Yao Xi.

    Ye Yilun sat on the sofa and was still thinking about it. It was probably his memory of last night. His last impression was that he drank that bottle of Maotai and then had a dream.

    The foreword he said didn't fit the description, but Yao Xi still understood, he had that kind of dream.

    Then he woke up and found that the real person in the dream was lying beside him.

    Yao Xi didn't care about anything else, just asked lightly, "Based on what I know about Li Zefeng's comments, and his various weird behaviors last night, he and Yang Han shouldn't be very long-term. will break up."

    When it came to Li Ze, Ye Yilun gave an "oh", and then said deflated: "Li Ze? Yes, he cheated, and he got together with his ex-girlfriend Zhou Jin. Zhou Jin was a clingy person before. When we broke up, if she hadn't taken the initiative to let go, Li Ze wouldn't be able to get rid of it at all. When Li Ze called me this morning, he wanted to throw the blame on Yang Han, saying that it was because Yang Han was busy with work and didn't accompany him. This scumbag!"     Yao Xi put down the thermos cup in his hand, smiled at Ye Yilun and said, "Don't worry about whether he is a scumbag or not, wait for the two of them to break up, and then discuss the two of you with Yang Han. In this way, you don't mean to steal your buddy's girlfriend."     Ye Yilun was still pouting, it seemed that he had suffered some grievances.     Seeing that he didn't say a word, Yao Xi looked directly at him and said solemnly, "Unless you don't want Yang Han to be your girlfriend, and you still remember Yu Guan."     Ye Yilun hurriedly retorted: "No! No, I already have a crush on Yu Guan . Let it go. I just had a little bit of a trance about Yang Han before, but I never thought about it. I wanted to talk to her this morning, but she glared at me fiercely. When we worked together before, our relationship was very good. Although others thought that I was superfluous, Yu Guan didn't like to talk to me. I would like to tell Yang Han if I had anything to say."     "At that time, the relationship was still there. It's not so embarrassing."     Yao Xi felt that Ye Yilun was too ink, so he asked him clearly: "So you don't want Yang Han to be your girlfriend? As a man, whether you like it or not, you don't Points? In the end, it was you who took advantage of it, why are you hesitating here?"     Ye Yilun bit his lower lip and whispered, "I am worried about Li Ze, Li Ze. Ze also had a buddy who got married with his ex-girlfriend, and he will ignore that buddy from now on. Second, I'm also worried that Yang Hanwan doesn't mean that to me, and we're afraid we won't even be good friends. "     While Ye Yilun was thinking, Yu Guan suddenly opened the door slowly and walked in.

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